Silkie Chickens: Breed Profile - The Greenest Acre (2024)

Silkie chickens have to be one of the gentlest, most kid-friendly and urban-friendly backyard breeds that you can get. Silkies are quiet, love to be held, they don’t range far from the coop, they’re beautiful to look at, and they make wonderful mothers.

There’s so much to love about this bantam breed that I’ve often considered phasing out my other breeds and just raising Silkies. They’re that wonderful! So, I thought they deserved an in-depth breed profile so you can decide if you want to add them to your flock (spoiler alert: you will!).

Silkie Chickens: Breed Profile - The Greenest Acre (1)

History of the Silkie Chicken

Silkies are one of the oldest recorded chicken breeds in history.

According to Ohio State University, researchers think that Silkies originated from Asia, or perhaps Japan, while others believe they came from India or Java.

The first written record of Silkies came from Marco Polo, who was traveling through Asia in the 13th century and remarked in his journal that he had come across “furry” chickens. Other early descriptions of the breed called them “wooly hens.”

Sounds like a Silkie to me! reports that today’s “modern” Silkie didn’t make an appearance until the mid-1800s. By 1872, they made their first appearance into the American Standard of Perfection. Their popularity took off, and even Queen Victoria raised bantam silkies.

Today, Silkies are one of the most popular breeds for backyard chicken keepers, with good reason. So, what makes this breed so unique? Let’s take a look.

Characteristics of Silkie Chickens

Feathers and Coloring

A Silkie’s feathering is one of the characteristics that makes them so special.

Silkies don’t have feathers with hard shafts like other chickens do. Their feathers are more like soft, silky fur. Because they don’t have feathers, Silkies cannot fly.

They also sport an adorable “tuft” of fluff on top of their heads, and have a beard below their beak. Some Silkies have a vaulted skull, which allows the top head feathers more space, and thus a more prominent tuft. This is why you see some Silkies with just a bit of fluffy ‘do, and others with an amazing bouffant hairdo that would make Tina Turner envious.

Silkies come in several different colors:

  • White
  • Black
  • Blue
  • Gold
  • Partridge


Silkies have black skin, eyes, beaks, bones, and feet. Even their internal organs are black! This trait is called melanism. While it’s shared with a few other breeds, such asthe Sumatra and the Ayam Cemani, researchers have studied this trait most often in Silkies.

They also have turquoise earlobes.


When well cared for, Silkies can live between 7 to 9 years. They’re truly more like a pet than other breeds!

Egg Laying

Silkies are not a “production breed,” so you won’t get an egg a day from them. However, they will lay around 3 cream small to medium sized colored eggs per week.

Body Type

A Silkie’s body type is short and stout.

There are two types of Silkie chickens: large fowl and bantam. But, each country has different standards, and sometimes the Large fowl Silkies are not officially recognized. That’s the case here in the United States, where only bantams are recognized.

Large fowl Silkie roosters weigh in at 4 lbs, while hens weigh 3 lbs.

Silkie bantam roosters weigh 1.2 lbs, while hens will weigh 1.1 lbs.


Another unusual characteristic is that they have five toes, unlike regular chickens which have only four.

Silkie Chickens: Breed Profile - The Greenest Acre (3)

Pros and Cons of Silkie Chickens



Silkie chickens are adorable, and it’s hilarious to watch these walking balls of fluff out in the yard foraging for bugs.

Great Free-Rangers

Silkies do well confined to a run. However, you’ll find that they’re great foragers if you let them out. They’re so industrious…I imagine because it’s so hard for them to see that they have to work twice as hard as other chickens to find food.


If I had to pick just one kid-friendly chicken breed, Silkies would take the top spot.

The reason? They’re so docile. Silkies love to cuddle. They’re gentle and patient and quiet, and don’t have an aggressive bone on their body. And tiny hands love to pet their soft fluffiness. Heck, I’m a mother with two boys and I love to pet their soft fluffiness!

Urban Friendly

If you’re looking for a chicken breed that won’t annoy your neighbors, pick a Silkie. Silkies are so quiet and unobtrusive your neighbors won’t even know that you have chickens.

Very Broody and Excellent Mothers

Silkies are well-known for their broodiness instincts. Despite their small size, they will sit on as many eggs as they can cover, including duck eggs!

Their instinct to sit on the nest is so strong that they will often go without food and water so they don’t have to leave the nest, and do themselves harm. If you have a broody Silkie on your hands, make sure you take steps to take care of her when she’s on the nest.

Once the chicks are born, Silkies make excellent mothers. They’re attentive and watchful over their chicks.


Not Suited for Cold, Wet Climates

Because Silkies have fluff, not feathers, they’re less protected from the elements. Regular chicken feathers have the ability to insulate and shed water. However, a Silkie’s fluff has an entirely different structure. Their down won’t shed water, and is less effective at keeping them warm when they do get wet.

If Silkies do get wet you need to towel them dry, or use a blow dryer (which they love.) This is especially important when it’s cold out.

Silkies can tolerate cold, but cold and wet is very hard on them.

At Risk From Predators

Because of their fluffy crest, Silkies can’t see that well. At all. This puts them at higher risk from predators like hawks or coyotes because they just can’t see them coming. They also can’t escape quickly since they cannot fly.

Bottom of the Pecking Order

Other chickens often bully the Silkies because they’re at the very bottom of the pecking order.

My bigger chickens are always picking on my Silkies. When they were really small, I had to stand guard over them while they ate just so the other birds wouldn’t steal their food and starve them to death.

Even now that they’re close to full grown I still have to keep an eye on them.

Buy Silkie Chickens from a Reputable Breeder

I can’t stress enough how important it is to purchase silkie chicks from a reputable breeder, like Murray McMurray Hatchery.

This year, I purchased my Silkies from a local breeder because I got busy and waited too long, and Murray McMurray was sold out (which is why you need to order your chicks in winter, friends!) So, I found a local Silkie breeder, and my friend and I went in together and bought 5 chicks each.

The breeder was very responsive when I was communicating with her before pick up day. However, I noticed a few red flags once we arrived.

First, I couldn’t see the breeding adults or the coop where they were kept. Second, this woman had A LOT of chicks. But they were kept in professional stacking brooders, and had plenty of heat, so I didn’t worry too much. That said, as I was picking out our chicks I did notice many appeared to be sickly.

The problems really started once we got home. Pasty butt was rampant in those chicks, and I had to clean them off daily for almost two weeks. We lost 3 chicks within 10 days; they just failed to thrive despite me doing everything to nourish and support them.

Since then we’ve noticed other health problems that could be the result of inbreeding: one of my friend’s Silkies is blind, and one of mine is deaf.

So, the lesson here is, go with a breeder who you KNOW has a solid reputation for quality stock.

Last Word

Silkies are one of my favorite chicken breeds because they’re so loveable and unique. They’re quiet, gentle, and would make a great breed for families or those living in an urban environment.

So, let’s talk Silkies. Do you have some? Are you obsessed? Do you have more pictures of your Silkies on your phone than you do your children (no judgement here.) Let me know in the comments!

Silkie Chickens: Breed Profile - The Greenest Acre (2024)


What is the profile of a Silkie chicken? ›

Silkies are tiny little chicks and only get cuter as they grow. They require the same care in the brooder as standard sized chickens, but they seem a little more fragile for the first couple of days. Silkies have 5 toes as opposed to standard breeds who only have 4 toes. They are super sweet and make great family pets.

What are the pros and cons of a Silkie chicken? ›

Chapter 9: Pros & Cons of Silkie Chickens
Good with kidsSusceptible to live & mites
Relatively quietGo broody often
Great if you're looking to hatch chicksCan get picked on by other chickens
Make for the best petsCan have issues in wet/cold climates
3 more rows
Jun 15, 2023

How much do Silkies sell for? ›

Blue Banty Farm
Straight Run
3 more rows

What is unique about Silkie chickens? ›

Silkies are also adaptable and playful. And, they are naturally more calm than most other breeds. Silkies also have black eyes, dark beaks, combs, and wattles. This breed grows a bit slower than other chicken breeds.

What are the benefits of owning a Silkie chicken? ›

Silkie chickens are extremely affordable pets to own, especially when considering the benefits of keeping them such as access to fresh eggs, pest control, and companionship. Silkies need a chicken coop, which should be a onetime expense, fresh food and water, and the occasional dust bath to keep mites at bay.

What is the lifespan of a Silkie chicken? ›

Silkies are relatively long lived for chickens with an average life expectancy of around eight or nine years and they remain productive long after other breeds have stopped laying eggs.

Are Silkies destructive? ›

Silkies can be left to free range in the garden without too much destruction occurring. This is because they are a light breed and their 5 toed fluffy feet are no where near as destructive as some of the larger breeds.

Why are Silkies so expensive? ›

To raise Silkies for meat, it would cost way more in feed and time to produce a smaller, tougher bird.” Silkie have a rich history of Chinese tradition, folklore, and culture. Their dark meat, skin, and bones are believed to have medicinal qualities.

Do Silkie chickens get sick easily? ›

Leghorns and light egg-type breeds tend to be more vulnerable to disease than meat type breeds. Silkies in particular, are highly susceptible to Marek's Disease. The percentage of illness and death in a flock can be anywhere from 1% to up to 50%.

How much do Silkie eggs cost? ›

Blue Banty Farm
Silkie Eggs for Sale
Next Available Ship Date 5/6/2024

How much space do 2 Silkies need? ›

Smaller chickens, like Bantam Silkies, may only need about two square feet per chicken. Blue Plymouth Rock Chickens and other large breeds need at least four square feet per bird. All backyard birds need about 8-10 square feet of outdoor space per bird to forage.

Can Silkies be kept with other chickens? ›

Silkies. Aside from their adorable looks, this breed is known to be among the friendliest! Don't let their small size fool you, silkies can stand their ground in a mixed flock too. They're fun and love to get to know other chickens in their flock, which makes them some of the best chickens to incorporate into a flock.

What are the rare Silkie chicken colors? ›

Colors of Silkie recognized for competitive showing include black, blue, splash, lavender, buff, grey, partridge, and white. Alternative hues, such as cuckoo, mottled, chocolate, mauve, mille fleur, and red, are in various stages of development and/or awaiting official recognition.

What chickens get along with Silkies? ›

What Chickens Get Along with Silkies? Silkies' affable and gentle nature makes them well-suited to cohabitate with a variety of chicken breeds. They are known for their sociable behavior and tend to get along famously with other docile breeds like Cochins, Orpingtons, and Easter Eggers.

Can you eat Silkie chicken eggs? ›

Yes, you can eat Silkie eggs. They taste pretty good as Silkies love to free range and find all sorts of greenery and insects, all of which improve the eggs and especially the bright yellow yolks. Because Silkies are so small, their eggs are also a little smaller but that makes them ideal for a kid's breakfast.

What is the body type of a Silkie chicken? ›

In essence, their whole body is covered in feathers from head to toe. Some Silkie varieties even have muff and beard feathers on their face, which can give them the look of a fluffy teddy bear! Silkies are technically considered a bantam breed of chicken, however, they are slightly larger than most bantam chickens.

What is the difference between Silkie chicken and regular chicken? ›

Silkies have black skin and bones and their meat is darker than that of regular chickens, which means that they are highly sought-after as table fare in the Asian countries.

Do Silkies like to cuddle? ›

Silkies love attention, cuddles, and bear confinement well; they are often kept as indoor house birds. The Silkie rooster is generally calm and docile as well. A Silkie rooster also makes an excellent rooster choice for someone just adding a rooster to their flock.

What color eggs do Silkies lay? ›

Silkie Eggs

Our silkie ladies lay small eggs that are white in color (something off-white/cream). On average, their eggs are 1.5oz (42g). So you might want a few hens laying to have enough for an omelet! Silkies are a popular choice for a backyard flock as they make highly fashionable pets.

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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

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Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.