PG Double Proposal: Princess Celestia and Luna (2024)

PG Double Proposal: Princess Celestia and Luna (1)

PG Double Proposal: Princess Celestia and Luna (2)

Well, i have discussed with my fellow Heroes and Villains Wiki community users if Celestia and Luna are qualified enough to become PGs. To be honest, i don't think their corrupting qualities doesn't hold up anymore since they may have matured enough throughout the series.

So say hello to our favorite Equestrian rulers, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.

Special thanks to Bazilsiraj for giving me a permission to re-propose Princess Celestia via DM on Discord, alongside making proposal of Princess Luna.


  • 1 What's the work?
  • 2 Who are they?
  • 3 What they have done?
  • 4 Admirable Standards
  • 5 Mitigating Factors
  • 6 Final Verdict

What's the work?[]

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is an American-Canadian animated children's television series based on My Little Pony franchise created by Bonnie Zacherle. The series was developed by Lauren Faust and it was aired from October 10, 2010 and ended on October 12, 2012. The series follow the adventures of an intelligent and studious unicorn-turned-Alicorn named Twilight Sparkle, along with her friends tomboyish yet reckless Rainbow Dash, hardworking yet stubborn Applejack, fun-loving and optimistic Pinkie Pie, shy and kind-hearted Fluttershy, sophisticated yet vain Rarity and her dragon assistant Spike, who travels around Equestria to help others and solve friendship problems.

Who are they?[]

Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are major protagonists in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. They are rulers of Equestria who ruled over for thousands of years. After Celestia banished Nightmare Moon for a long time, Twilight and her friends managed to mend their relationships and they reconciled later on. At the series finale, they have passed their rulership to Twilight Sparkle and crowned her as the new ruler of Equestria.

Celestia is Twilight Sparkle's mentor who has been tutoring her for years since her childhood until she moved to Ponyville. After Twilight completed Star Swirl's unfinished spell, she stops mentoring Twilight after she turned into an Alicorn and became the Princess of Friendship, allowing her to make decision by herself. She has the ability to raising the sun.

Luna turned herself into Nightmare Moon out of sheer jealousy over her own sister and is banished to the moon thousands of years ago. Later years, she was really from her imprisonment and intended to cast an eternal night into Equestria before she was turned back into Luna by the Mane Six with using the Elements of Harmony, leading her and Celestia to reconcile. She also has the ability to raise the moon and entering ponies' dreams including the Crusaders' and Starlight's.

What they have done?[]

Thousands of years ago, Celestia and Luna became the rulers of Equestria. During their reign, they have protected Equestria from any evil threats like Discord, Lord Tirek and King Sombra. When Celestia receiving more attention than her, Luna became consumed with envy and bitterness so much that she transformed into Nightmare Moon and turned against her sister. Refused to fight her sister, Celestia reluctantly decide to use the Elements of Harmony against Nightmare Moon and banished her to the moon for thousands of years, leaving her to rule over Equestria by herself.

During Twilight's childhood, Celestia overseeing her during the entrance exam at the School for Gifted Unicorns. As Twilight was about to give up after she tried many times, Rainbow Dash's sonic rainboom was heard from far away that caused her to triggering her magic that made her successfully hatching a dragon egg, thus Spike was born as result. Finally, Celestia personally took her in as her protégé.

Years later when Twilight reached into adulthood, Celestia sending her to Ponyville to help the other ponies preparing for a Summer Sun Celebration and also making new friends which she is way reluctant to do so. Later that night, the Summer Sun Celebration was held at the town hall and Nightmare Moon has released from her imprisonment before she went to Everfree Forest. Twilight and the other ponies went to Everfree Forest to look for the Elements of Harmony and managed to passed the trials made by Nightmare Moon. Realizing the true nature of friendship, Twilight and the other ponies used the Elements of Harmony to defeat Nightmare Moon and turned her back into Princess Luna, leading her to reconcile with Celestia later on. Finally, the Mane Six was formed and Celestia continued to help them whenever they need.

Celestia is seen having a brunch with the Mane Six and the others at Sugarcube Corner. During the brunch, Fluttershy saw her pet bird named Philomena and took her in to her house after seeing how sick she is. Twilight noticed this and warned Fluttershy that she will be thrown into a dungeon if Celestia sees this. After attempting to hide the bird from the guards, Fluttershy is crying that Philomena is turned into ashes. Celestia arrived to see what happened and told Philomena to reveal herself, revealing the bird is actually a phoenix. Celestia later told Philomena to apologize to Fluttershy for making her worrying.

After Discord is escaped from his imprisonment, Celestia called out the Mane Six for the situation and sees that the Elements of Harmony is missing. Enraged of believing that Discord's the one who took it, he told them to find the Elements in the palace labyrinth and Celestia wished the Mane Six good luck in finding them. After the Mane Six defeated Discord, Celestia congratulates them for their accomplishment.

Freaking out that she haven't wrote friendship reports to Princess Celestia this week, Twilight desperately tries to find the friendship problems but to no avail, not even her friends taking her problems seriously. Now going crazy, she decide to create her own friendship problems by making the Crusaders fighting against her childhood toy Smarty Pants, but it only affects with the other ponies before Celestia arrives and reverse her spell. When she was confronting Twilight for her actions and her friends beg not to punish her and promise to take her problems seriously, she then allows them to report friendship problems to her upon discovering by themselves.

During Nightmare Night, Princess Luna arrived at Ponyville and her intimidating loud voice scared others away, so Twilight decide to help her adjust her modern life but to no avail. Though Luna is about to give up initially, she later began to realize that other ponies are having fun pretending to be afraid during the holiday and became very comfortable of being around them.

The wedding between Princess Cadance and Shining Armor was held at Canterlot. Celestia sending a letter to Twilight and her friends and invited them to come for a wedding. While her friends are enthusiastic over this, Twilight wasn't happy that it wasn't Shining Armor who sent them a letter. They arrived at Canterlot to attend the wedding, with Twilight became suspicious of "Cadance" while the others dismissed it as her "stress". At the wedding rehearsal, Twilight quickly (yet correctly) accused "Cadance" for being evil, which causing her to run away while pretending to cry while the others turned against her for this, even Celestia became disappointed at her and coldly saying she had a lot to think about, leaving her to be trapped inside the caves beneath Canterlot. After Twilight and Cadance worked together to escape and expose Chrysalis in front of everypony, Celestia fought her and got easily defeated. She told the Mane Six to get the Elements of Harmony to used them against Chrysalis and the Changelings but failed because of the Changelings' interventions. After Cadance and Shining defeated Chrysalis and the Changelings, the wedding is continued with the real Cadance and Celestia learned a lesson of trusting others' instincts.

Celestia and Luna were informed that King Sombra has returned to conquer the Crystal Empire, so they sent Twilight and her friends to the Empire to protect it from the dark unicorn as a part of the test. After Sombra is destroyed and the Crystal Empire is restored, Celestia became impressed with Twilight so she decided to have her passed the test.

Luna often visit one of Crusaders' nightmares and helping them overcome it, such as helping Scootaloo to face her fears, Sweetie Belle seeing the error of her ways of ruining Rarity's dress without second thoughts and Apple Bloom to gain her confidence of gaining her cutie mark.

Celestia brought the statue of Discord to the Mane Six and asked them to release him from imprisonment because she hoped that he will be reformed and will use his powers for good instead of evil, much to their doubt and skepticism. After Discord is finally reformed thanks to Fluttershy, Celestia definitely sense a big change on him and leave the Elements of Harmony with Twilight and her friends just in case.

After Twilight completed Star Swirl's unfinished spell, she and Celestia appeared in a starry realm where she tells her that she's ready to fulfill her destiny, which she turned into an Alicorn and is coronated as the Princess of Friendship later on.

After she comforted Twilight and assured her she will always be there when she needs her, she and Luna are captured by the plunderseeds and brought them to the Tree of Harmony. When Twilight and her friends are searching for a way to find Celestia and Luna and how to get rid of the Plunderseeds, she drinks the potion given by Zecora where she discovers their respective pasts. After Twilight and her friends save Celestia and Luna from the Plunderseeds with the Elements of Harmony, they later celebrate Summer Sun Celebration together.

After Twilight and her friends went to the Crystal Empire to welcome both duke and duch*ess of Maretonia, Celestia, Luna and Cadance later comforted her over doubting her duties as the Princess of Friendship. Later that night, she and Luna had a nightmare and are aware that Tirek is escaped from Tartarus. The next morning, she, Luna and Cadance tells the story of Tirek and told Twilight that she already choose Discord to capture Tirek by himself, much to her dismay. When Discord betrayed other ponies and sided with Tirek to help him steal magic from them, Celestia, Luna and Cadance are giving up their magic to Twilight and entrusted her to not let them fall onto his hands. During Tirek's rampage on Canterlot, he barged into the castle and attempt to absorbed the princesses' magic, only for him to discover that they don't have it anymore and sending them to Tartarus as a vengeance for imprisoned him in the first place. After Tirek's defeat, Celestia, Luna and Cadance are released from Tartarus and forgave Discord for his betrayal.

When Tantabus are roaming around Ponyville and giving everypony nightmares (including the Mane Six and Princess Luna), Luna asked the Mane Six for a help to defeat Tantabus. Later that night, the Mane Six falls asleep while Luna entering their dreams to face Tantabus together. She helped the Mane Six overcome their nightmares and hunt for Tantabus until they are woken up. As the Mane Six goes back to sleep and Luna returns to enter their dreams, they ended up in everypony's shared dreams where they were terrorized by Tantabus. They rallied everypony to help fight against Tantabus, but is was proven too strong and grow bigger. As Tantabus is about to escape from the real world, Luna admits she created the creature as a punishment for her actions as Nightmare Moon out of guilt, but Twilight is able to reason with her and convince to let go of her past, allowing to defeat the creature.

At the Crystal Empire, Celestia and Luna, alongside the Mane Six and others, witnessing Flurry Heart's birth and are surprised over the fact that she's already born as an Alicorn. During the Crystalling, Flurry's loud crying breaks the Crystal Heart into pieces, causing a storm to appear around the Crystal Empire. After they tried to keep the storm away, Celestia and Luna later taking part in helping Twilight and the others restoring the Crystal Heart back to normal, evaporating the storm away from the Empire as result.

Alongside other Equestria's beloved ones, Luna is captured by Chrysalis and the Changelings and went to Starlight's dream to warn her about this. After Chrysalis is defeated, Luna and the others were released are freed as result of Starlight and Thorax's efforts. She and the others later attend the Sunset Festival at Our Town.

She and the others are attending a ceremony where Starlight, Trixie, Discord and Thorax are awarded for defeating Chrysalis and saving everypony from her and the Changelings.

When Starlight is sent to solve a friendship problems between Celestia and Luna who argued over their duties, she recklessly switched their cutie marks which the two of them do their jobs differently, while Luna ended up pretty badly. Later that night, they saw their evil alter-egos are fighting against each other and Starlight is cowering in fear, allowing them to realize the error of their ways and make amends with each other. After defeating their evil alter-egos, they later returned to the real world and got their cutie marks back after reconciled together.

Celestia and Luna are seen listening to Sunburst reading Star Swirl's journal and wanted to know what happened to their old teacher. After the Pony of Shadows is defeated and Stygian is redeemed, they were reunited with their old teacher.

When Twilight express her desire to open her own school for everypony and every creatures of Equestria, Celestia suggests that she should asked the EEA for an approval. After Twilight's School of Friendship is closed down by Neighsay out of spite, Celestia and Luna are seen when the head of different races of Equestria are worried of the students have gone missing. After the Mane Six rescued the Young Six and Twilight re-opened her school, Celestia and the others are seen standing up against him.

For Celestia's "ones-versary", Twilight decided to create a play for her to commemorate and offer her a lead role. However, Celestia's terrible acting gets on Twilight and the others' nerves, though she desperately kept it a secret. When everything goes wrong, Twilight lets out of her frustration and angrily yells out the truth about Celestia's bad acting, causing her to get hurt of hearing this and fly away. Realized the error of her ways, Twilight apologized to Celestia and admitted that she wanted to do something to repay her back for years of guiding her since childhood. Finally, Celestia managed to fix the play with Fluttershy as the lead actress, which it ends up in success.

Celestia and Luna were informed that magic has disappeared from Equestria and it will be gone for three days if it doesn't return. When the Mane Six mentioned about Tirek, they warned them to be careful while they're visit him in Tartarus. It is mentioned that Neighsay will warned both Celestia and Luna about who's behind the disappearance of magic. After magic has returned to Equestria due to the Young Six's effort, Celestia, Luna and Neighsay cornered Cozy Glow for her crimes and actions.

The Mane Six are summoned to Canterlot and heard that Celestia and Luna announced their retirement and decide to pass their rulership to them, putting Twilight in a heavy pressure because of this. When King Sombra brainwashed the Ponyville citizens and invade Canterlot to take over Equestria for himself, Celestia, Luna and Star Swirl went to deal with the Everfree Forest when its out of control and allowed the Mane Six to confront King Sombra by themselves. After King Sombra is defeated again, Celestia and Luna admits to Twilight that it was unfair to entrusted her without giving her time to prepare and decide to postpone their retirement.

Celestia and Luna are excited to take action by helping the Mane Six ever since King Sombra's return to Equestria, much to the Mane Six's confusion as result. Twilight suggests both Celestia and Luna that they should take a vacation together while she and her friends cover their duties. While they're excited of having fun together at first, but their conflicting plans and ideas leading to their arguement. Despite this, they later reconciled and admitted they cannot live without each other before they went back to Canterlot to help Twilight when she's in trouble.

While Twilight is preparing for the last Summer Sun Celebration, Celestia and Luna tells her that it will be the last before they were dethroned since they're now retired before they left. When the preparation for the last Summer Sun Celebration is out of control because of the villains, they help the Mane Six set things right and fixing the events before it began. After that, Twilight announced that the Summer Sun Celebration will be replaced with a new holiday called the Festival of the Two Sisters.

When the villains are laying siege on the entire Equestria, they are so disappointed at Discord for foolishly setting them up to attack Equestria even though the latter nervously regret over this decision. After Twilight delivering her speech to her allies, Cozy Glow barged inside the castle and fought them with her absorbing Celestia and Luna's magic with Bewitching Bell. When Chrysalis and Tirek comes in to aid Cozy, they fired their respective beams at Twilight and her friends before she escapes and the others were imprisoned. After Starlight tricking the villains into freeing them, Celestia, Luna, Starlight and Discord fought them off while Twilight's friends and Spike went away to find her. During the final battle between the Mane Six and the villains, Celestia, Luna, Starlight and Discord are freed and summoned to the battlefield, witnessing the Mane Six, the Young Six and the Pillars of Old Equestria firing a giant rainbow beam at the villains. After the villains' defeat, Celestia and Luna were angry of their actions before Discord suggests they should turn them into stone, which they proceed to do so, ending their reign of terror once and for all.

During Twilight's coronation, she was crowned as the new ruler of Equestria while Celestia and Luna are retired to Silver Shoals.

Admirable Standards[]

I would literally say that My Little Pony franchise incredibly has high admirable standards, especially Friendship is Magic where some of the heroes could stand out with lesser resources of saving Equestria from any evil threats. Comparing to major heroes such as:

  • Mane Six: Aside from traveling around Equestria to help others with their friendship problems, they did save and protect Equestria from many evil threats such as Nightmare Moon, Discord, Queen Chrysalis, King Sombra, Lord Tirek, Pony of Shadows and even Cozy Glow.
  • Spike: He is a loyal assistant to Twilight Sparkle who's been helping her throughout his entire life. But his admirable acts he did is saving the Crystal Empire from King Sombra along with Princess Cadance and standing up for Thorax so other ponies would give him another chance.
  • Cutie Mark Crusaders: Aside from finding their talents to get their cutie marks, they've been helping other ponies with their problems by solving it. Despite Babs Seed joining in with Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon in bullying them, they never hesitated into risking their lives to save her from being booby trapped.
  • Discord: While starting off as a villain since his debut in season 2 premiere, he eventually redeemed himself thanks to Fluttershy because he doesn't want to lose her as a friend. After helping Tirek in his quest to steal all magic from Equestria and is later betrayed, he help the Mane Six to defeat him as a way to make it up. He also took his part of saving Equestria from Queen Chrysalis and the Changelings alongside Starlight, Trixie and Thorax. Though he manipulates the villains into creating a fake threat towards Equestria to helps Twilight into becoming a confident ruler, he later expresses his remorse over this and helps the heroes in the final battle in order to make it up. In the end, he suggests Celestia and Luna to turn the villains into a stone, ensuring that they won't causing harm on Equestria ever again.
  • Princess Cadance and Shining Armor: Of course, they have defeated Queen Chrysalis and the Changelings with their love, strengthening their magic to defeat them. When King Sombra is attacking the Crystal Empire, Shining threw his wife Cadance in the air, allowing her to save Spike and the Crystal Empire from that evil dark tyrant.
  • Starlight Glimmer: Starting off as a main villain in the fifth season before she changed her ways thanks to Twilight. In the season six finale, she, Trixie, Discord and Thorax are saving Equestria from Queen Chrysalis and the Changelings by saving everypony including their beloved figures. She also tries to redeem Queen Chrysalis but to no avail.
  • Young Six: Despite being students of the School of Friendship, they clearly did admirable acts by saving the school from Cozy Glow and helping the Mane Six in the final battle by convincing everyone to help them with their friendship sentiments they have learned at school.

Celestia and Luna did clearly managed to pass the admirable standards. A long time ago, they have protect Equestria from any evil threats like Discord, King Sombra, Lord Tirek, etc. during their reign over thousand of years. After Luna transformed into Nightmare Moon and turned against her sister, Celestia used the Elements of Harmony against her and banish her to the moon for thousands of years. After both sisters are reconciled, they later continued protect Equestria and guiding Twilight and her friends throughout the series. They're also managed to confront their evil alter-egos by defeating them and save Starlight from them in their dreams.

Celestia has been guiding Twilight for years throughout her childhood until now, making her the hero and protector as she is today throughout the series. With her wisdom and kindness, she became responsible for everything Twilight has accomplish and done throughout the series, including protecting and saving Equestria from any evil threats along with her friends. Like i said from above, she did save Equestria from being cast into an eternal night by banishing Nightmare Moon, her own sister, to a moon for thousands of years with the Elements of Harmony.

After Luna is turned back to normal after the Mane Six defeated her as Nightmare Moon, she remorsefully reconciled with her older sister Celestia, becoming her co-ruler of Equestria once again. Since her redemption, she was able to help many ponies whenever they have problems, including helping the Crusaders dealing with their nightmares when she's visited their dreams. Her most admirable deed is that defeating Tantabus by overcoming her guilt thanks to Twilight's encouragement. Though she almost warned Starlight about the Changelings invade Equestria and kidnapped its most beloved figure, she became indirectly responsible for Starlight and co. are able to defeat Chrysalis and save them from her and the Changelings.

Mitigating Factors[]

So yeah, i have read their pages on Heroes Wiki and it says they were categorized as Arrogant (for Celestia) and Control Freaks, but i don't think there's any problem with that since their corrupting factors may have subverted throughout the series.

Of course, the moment where Celestia is being arrogant goes through the first issue of My Little Pony: Legends of Magic, but the comics continuity doesn't takes place in the events of the Friendship is Magic TV show. Plus, i don't remember of them being bossy or controlling in one another since they never shown to become one in the TV show.

In her OG proposal, many others think Celestia doesn't count because she's mischievous and often neglected her duties. Of course Celestia may be playful and fun-loving, but what she does is out of playfulness rather than genuine mischief, especially in the episode "A Bird in the Hoof". There's also no moments where Celestia often neglected her duties, but of course she and her sister Luna did protect Equestria from evil threats like King Sombra, Discord, Lord Tirek, etc. for thousands of years. The only reason why she and Luna are taking on vacation if because they were excited of taking in action which the Mane Six suggests them to relax and have a vacation.

When Princess Luna transformed into Nightmare Moon out of envy and jealousy and turned against her sister, Celestia refused to fight with her despite she tried to attack her and used the Elements of Harmony to banish her to the moon instead. Despite she did the right thing, she became very remorseful over doing it. After Luna is turned back to normal because of the Mane Six, Celestia forgive her sister and reconciled with her.

As Nightmare Moon, Luna may have a Moral Agency issues since her darkness had corrupted her into terrorizing Equestria in the first place. However, she finally overcome the issue after the Mane Six defeated her and turned her back to normal. Like i said from above, she did reunite with her sister Celestia and remorsefully apologized to her.

Celestia is shown to be merciful and forgiving individual. Though she was seemingly going to punish Fluttershy for taking Philomena away without asking first and the bird is seemingly dead after being burnt and turned into smithereens, she reveals to Fluttershy that the bird is just playing around and asking her to apologize for making her worrying while forgiving her for this. Despite Twilight accidentally putting other ponies in her "want it, need it" spell because of how desperate she is, Celestia agreed not to punish her on her friends' behalf. Despite the fact that Discord has turned Equestria into a chaotic place, she believed that he would be reformed if he decide to use his powers for good instead of evil, showing how forgiving she is no matter how mischievous and obnoxious he is. Though he's willing to betray him to join on Tirek's side, she still managed to forgive him after Tirek is defeated.

While Luna arrives at Ponyville during Nightmare Night, she never intended to scare anypony for her own amusem*nt, mostly because she didn't know it was a part of holiday and is not getting used to modern times during her banishment for thousands of years as Nightmare Moon. Though she initially gave up from interacting with other ponies and banned Nightmare Night from Equestria out of anger, she later rescind the ban after Pipsqueak explained the being scared of is fun during the holiday.

Celestia can get angry on some occasions, though it wasn't brought it up again later on. Though Celestia doesn't believing everything Twilight says about Cadance being "evil" and disappointedly turned against her and saying she had a "lot to think" about what she did, however Twilight was proven to be right all along after Chrysalis reveals herself. While it wasn't confirmed if she did really apologize to Twilight or not, Celestia clearly did learned her lesson of trusting one's instincts, so i don't think there's gonna be a problem of that. She had a right thing to get mad at Twilight for lying to her about her acting, but she later forgives her after hearing her motivation of the lie. She did got disappointed at Discord for setting up the villains' attack on Equestria, but this was justified because what he did is a foolish thing to do and that they were too dangerous to be roamed around Equestria. However, it wasn't brought up again after they turned the villains into stone.

Luna did created Tantabus just to punish herself for her actions as the Nightmare Moon out of guilt and full of remorse by giving herself a nightmare, but she never intended to gave everpony nightmares either and decide to put a stop to it. After Twilight encouraged her to let go of the past, she was able to defeat Tantabus once and for all.

Of course there were times where Celestia and Luna always argue each other, especially in "A Royal Problem" and "Between Dark and Dawn", but it's more of a Heating-Up Period rather than corrupting factors since they've made it up later on.

Though she's likely associated with EEA including Neighsay because of her political influences, she chose to sided with Twilight than Neighsay because she had a right thing of re-opening the school without EEA's influence by stating the Earth ponies, Pegasi and Unicorns does the same union as the creatures as well.

Celestia and Luna really did put Twilight and her friends in charge of ruling over Equestria following their retirement, but they never meant to put so much pressure on her and causing her to blame herself for Sombra's return. Following Sombra's defeat, they decide to let Twilight have more time to prepare by postponing their retirement.

For the final part, any of you think Celestia and Luna had no problem of turning a child into a stone was a BIGGEST prevention, but i don't think so. Well, Cozy Glow is very cunning and manipulative individual who uses her cute and adorable wits to get whatever she wants like taking over Equestria by making more "friends" by any means necessary, showing that not all children can be sweet or innocent at all. Even though they knew she's just a child, they really have no choice because of how irredeemable she is and also too dangerous to be roamed around Equestria, so they decide to imprison her alongside her comrades by turning them into a stone. No matter how sweet and innocent those children are, Cozy is just different as all of them since she's nothing but a monstrous and devious child who barely has any redeeming qualities whatsoever.

Final Verdict[]

I'll just go with an easy yes to both princesses. Please read the proposal carefully before voting properly. If this proposal is rejected, then i'm fine with that.

PG Double Proposal: Princess Celestia and Luna (2024)


Can Luna beat Celestia? ›

Depends. If Celestia has the elements of harmony the answer is yes. otherwise, Luna would win hands down. because this has been proven that Celestia has too much love for her younger sister and would be unable to finish her even if Celestia had the advantage.

Is Princess Luna older than Princess Celestia? ›

In the animated television series "My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic," Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are depicted as sisters and co-rulers of the land of Equestria. While the exact age of each character is not explicitly stated in the series, it's implied that Princess Celestia is older than Princess Luna.

Why did Celestia and Luna leave? ›

She and Princess Luna sacrificed themselves during the war to save ponykind, and they were believed by many Stable-folks to have ascended to Goddess-hood in heaven where they continue to move the sun and moon everyday and watch over all of ponykind.

How long did Celestia banish Luna? ›

Celestia tried to reason with her, but it didn't work out, so she reluctantly banished her to the moon for 1000 years, taking responsibility for both the sun and moon. Princess Luna now enters the dreams of her subjects, mostly children, to assist them in defeating their nightmares.

Who did Princess Celestia marry? ›

Celestia comes from a family where there are many that are alicorns. She marries Sombra, becoming the queen of Equestria and then gets pregnant with her husband's child.

Who is more powerful Twilight or Celestia? ›

Twilight Sparkle was probably the strongest unicorn at one point in the entire show. She had been studying magic and had been Celestia's student for almost all of her life.

How old is fluttershy in season 9? ›

It's never given, Fluttershy is likely between 18 and 20 during season 1. By season 9 I'd say between 27 and 29.

Why did Princess Luna turn evil? ›

One day, Luna finally became fed up with Celestia's success. Not only did she refuse to lower the moon, but also challenged Celestia for the sole rulership of Equestria. At that moment, the darkness in Luna's heart manifested and consumed her, transforming her into Nightmare Moon, a black mare of pure darkness.

How old is the Mane 6? ›

Their humanoid counterparts appear to be in highschool. Assuming Canterlot High is based around American highschool, I would say they would be between 15 and 18 years of age at the beginning of the year. So, the Canterlot High Mane Six is approximately 16–18 years of age.

Why is Luna jealous of Celestia? ›

One thousand years prior to the series setting, Luna became jealous of Celestia when the ponies shunned her nights but enjoyed the day. She eventually transformed into the evil wicked mare of Darkness and Destruction, known as Nightmare Moon as a result of this jealousy, and was imprisoned in the moon.

Is Luna jealous of Celestia? ›

However, their relationship was strained when Luna became jealous of Celestia's popularity and power, and eventually succumbed to darkness and became Nightmare Moon. This led to a long and bitter conflict between the two sisters, culminating in Celestia using the Elements of Harmony to banish Luna to the moon.

What happened to Celestia and Luna after Twilight's coronation? ›

Celestia and Luna retire when Twilight (and her friends) take over ruling Equestria. After that…well, who knows where they end up. They could be doing like they do in one episode, exploring the world to experience new things (it's still adorable when Luna wants to mail a letter).

Where did Luna spend 1,000 years? ›

A thousand years ago dark forces transformed her into Nightmare Moon because Luna allowed jealousy of her sister's more glorified sun and daytime to take hold of her heart; as a consequence she was banished to the moon for a thousand years.

How did Chrysalis defeat Celestia? ›

Princess Celestia confronts her and attacks her with a beam from her horn, but Chrysalis fires back and, thanks to the power of Shining Armor's love, overpowers Celestia and knocks her to the ground, much to the surprise of everyone, including herself.

Who is the bad guy in Princess Luna? ›

Nightmare Moon is the corrupted form of Princess Luna. Over time of raising and setting the moon, Luna became convinced that while the ponies all loved her sister Celestia, they sleep through her night and ignore her. Jealous of her sister, she caused a solar eclipse which transformed her into Nightmare Moon.

How powerful is Princess Luna? ›

Powers and Abilities

Moon Control: Luna is powerful enough to make the moon rise. Transformation: Luna can transform into Nightmare Moon. Weather Manipulation: Luna use lightning to repel the royal guards and makes the clouds swirl over her in the sky. Transmutation: Luna can turn toy spiders into real spiders.

How powerful is Celestia? ›

Powers and Abilities

Alicorn Physiology: Being an alicorn, Celestia can fly and use magic. Genius Intelligence: Celestia is highly intelligent, able to retain a great deal of information, and take it as her advantage. Magic: Celestia can perform great/high levels of magic just her sister Princess Luna.

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Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.