A Glitch in the multi dimensions chapter 7 (2024)

by Suzie on May 16, 2024

[font=Arial, sans-serif]Chapter 7 World of ruin[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Glitch arrived in a new world but not his own world and was very concerned and confused. “What the heck, Reboot this isn’t my world, you no good liar” Glitch said in anger and yet heard no response. “Fine I’ll figure it out myself” Glitch said while trying to summon another portal, but failing. “Why isn’t it working?” Glitch questioned himself before hearing noises and hiding. “What was that?” Glitch questioned himself. Glitch heard more noises and started panicking as they came closer to him. “Stay back, whoever you are,” Glitch said, summoning a shield. “Shh, listen superstar, I need you to trust me and follow me” said a Robotic voice. “No no no, I will no longer trust anyone I barely know, never again” Glitch said firmly before hearing more noises come towards him. “Please friend, I am only trying to help you, '' said the robotic voice again. “Please, last time I trusted someone they took my blood, I’m sure you will just do the same” Glitch said and heard the noise get closer and closer. “Superstar please just at least enter the door before it gets you” the voice said as the noises were closer and closer and then Glitch saw something running towards him, he immediately didn’t think twice and ran towards the robotic voice before the door was closed and the noise turned into screams of anger. “WHAT THE (GLITCH) WAS THAT” Glitch asked himself scared. “It’s okay superstar, you are safe now” said the Robotic voice while putting his hand on Glitch’s shoulder which freaked him out. “DON’T TOUCH ME!” Glitch yelled before seeing who it was. “Don’t worry I won’t hurt you” said the Robot revealing himself to be Freddy Fazbear. “Who are you, actually I don’t need to know, I don’t trust anyone anymore anyway” Glitch said while holding a shield still to defend himself. “Calm down superstar, let me explain myself please” said Freddy holding his hands out and explaining himself. “Speak,” Glitch said, still with his shield. “I am Freddy Fazbear, or Glamrock Freddy, or just Freddy is fine, you are in the Pizza plex or what is left of it at least, luckily me and my friends were all fixed up and are okay, and I’m glad I checked to make sure there were others out there” Freddy explained. “I’ve never heard of you until now,” Glitch explained, still in defense mode. “Well listen, we should head back to the camp, you must be tired, we have some drinks and snacks back at the camp, if you will follow of course” Freddy explained to Glitch. “Fine, but don’t expect me to keep my guard down, when I find a way out of here we depart ways, understand” Glitch explained and asked. “Understood, don’t worry superstar, we won’t cause you any problems, and if you have any questions, you can ask as we head back” Freddy explained. “Oh I got a lot of questions, first one, what the heck was that thing back there” Glitch asked. “That is a being of insanity, and of chaos and destruction, a monster and someone who should not be trusted, and a killer” Freddy explained firmly. “Does it have a name?” Glitch asked. “He does have a name, he used to call himself William Afton, but now he calls himself Springtrap” Freddy explained while him and Glitch walked back to the camp. “Springtrap” Glitch asked. “Yes, he used to be a man, but soon was driven to insanity to hurt others, and eventually got himself killed” Freddy continued to explain. “What do you mean, did he kill other people?” Glitch asked. “Not just others, he killed children, and their souls were stuffed into Animatronic suits, which we now possess” Freddy said looking down trying to hide his emotions. “W-WHAT, ARE YOU SAYING YOU WERE A CHILD, KILLED BY THAT GUY” Glitch asked. “Unfortunately, but it’s not all that bad, while I don’t remember my family or friends from the past, I made a new family and friends, I had to adapt to my new life, and I adapted my name, after all I wasn’t always Freddy” Freddy explained to Glitch. “Do you remember your original name?” Glitch asked. “No, none of us do, we were too young, too oblivious to the truth, we have grown up like this for years, hiding and trying to avoid the pain that he made us go through” Freddy explained sadly. “I am sorry to hear that, life must be misery for all of you” Glitch explained. “Not fully, we all are new people now, and now we are new us, by the way, please do not mention any of this to the others, it hurts them when they remember, and Monty might not take it so well either” Freddy explained to Glitch. “I won’t, I promise” Glitch promised. “We are approaching the camp, I will introduce you to the others when we get there” Freddy said. “Okay, but remember I’m only staying until I can leave, I don’t exactly trust you all 100 percent” Glitch explained to Freddy. “I understand, we are here” Freddy said. “Hello everyone, I have returned” said Freddy. “Freddy, glad you made it back okay” Gregory said as he hugged Freddy. “Thanks superstar, it’s great to be back” Freddy said excited to see Gregory again. “Good to see you Freddy,” Roxy said. “Did you bring Pizza” Chica asked. “No Chica, once again I did not bring pizza, not like you could eat it anyway,” Freddy explained. “Monty aren’t you gonna say hello” Freddy asked. “Bah” Monty said, waving it off like he doesn’t care. “Who the new guy” Roxy asked. “Everyone, I would like you to meet, um, hey superstar what is your name, I never got it actually,” Freddy asked Glitch. “Um, Kyle, yeah, Kyle,” Glitch said still not fully trusting them. “Everyone meet Kyle, I found him while looking for others who could have also been trapped here” Freddy explained. “Hey there kid, I’m Roxanne Wolf, I’m pretty much the best and most loved out of the group” Roxanne said. “Kyle, nice to meet you” Glitch said before shaking her hand. “Hi, my name is Chica, it’s so nice to see a new face after such a long time” Chica said before hugging Glitch very tightly. “N-nice to meet you too” Glitch said while grasping for air from her hug. Monty saw Chica hugging Glitch and wasn’t too happy about it. “ENOUGH, BACK UP YA LITTLE BRAT” Monty said pushing Glitch off Chica. “Monty please, he just came here too” Freddy explained. “SHUT UP FAZASS” Monty said very aggressively. “Monty calm down, Freddy just found him, we don’t wanna scare him off” Chica said to Monty. “Sorry Chica” Monty said a LOT more calmly. “Are you two dating of something” Glitch asked Monty. “N-NO, WHY WOULD YOU EVEN ASK THA-“ Monty said before hearing footsteps. “He is back” Freddy said excitedly, hoping for good news. “Ay lads, I be back, sorry it took longer than i thought” Foxy said. “You are fine, did you find him” Freddy asked nervously. “Nope, another damn near dead end, so close though, sorry lads, I tried me best” Foxy said disappointedly. “It’s all right, we will find him soon” Freddy said, trying to cheer up Foxy. “Who be the new lad?” Foxy asked. “Foxy this is Kyle, Kyle this is Foxy” Freddy explained. “Hi Foxy, nice to meet ya” Glitch said. “Is it lad, haven’t ya seen what a disappointment i be I’ll just be heading to go charge up to try again in the morning, night lads” Foxy said before walking off sadly. “Is that guy depressed or something?” Glitch asked. “No, he is just sad because we still haven’t found our old friend after all this time, he’s been gone for a while, I still miss him” Freddy said with a somber voice. “Who is he?” Glitch asked. “It doesn’t matter unless we find him, oh and superstar if you're hungry or thirsty I left some snacks and drinks over there, I think these Fazchips are still good” Freddy said while pointing to the food. “Actually i-” Glitch said before remembering that they don’t know he isn’t human. “I would love to enjoy these amazing snacks” Glitch said while putting a smile on his face and walking over to eat. While Glitch was eating and drinking Monty came over to him ``''Heya kid, how’s it going” Monty asked intimidatingly. “G-good, just enjoying my snacks” Glitch said while moving back a little. “Hey I saw you and Chica HUGGING earlier, do you think she’s, CUTE” Monty said, clutching his fist together. “I think that was just to greet me, I’m sure she’s very friendly,” Glitch said, intimidated. “Good, cause I would hate for one of our members in the group to go missing overnight, wouldn’t you” Monty said, putting his hand over Glitches shoulder. “Y-yes that w-wouldn’t be pleasant” Glitch said very intimidated. “Good, I better not see it again then” Monty said while walking off. “Are you okay superstar” Freddy asked and accidentally startled Glitch. “How are you so big and made of metal and yet so quiet” Glitch said scared. “Sorry, listen don’t let Monty give you a hard time, I’m sure he was just messing you, whatever he said” Freddy said trying to reassure Glitch. “You sure about that, he got mad at me because Chica hugged the life out of me, I didn’t engage the freaking hug” Glitch said freaking out. “I’m sure it’s nothing superficial, and don’t worry, I’ll talk to Monty about it” Freddy said to Glitch. “NO, NO, it’s okay, I think I’ll just head to bed or something” Glitch said ready to sleep off the stress. “Okay then superstar, it’s just past my friends rooms, which are all still open, so just let them be I suppose” Freddy said to Glitch before walking off. “Wait, where are you going?” Glitch asked. “I am heading to the recharge station, but don’t worry, you will be fine, we will all talk in the morning,” Freddy said before going to the station. “Crap, Monty might kill me before I actually head to bed, it’s fine, I’ll just summon a shield and just go to my room to sleep” Glitch said while begging the walk. Glitch was walking to his room before running into Chica. “AHHH, DON’T KILL ME YOU PSYCHO” Glitch said in fear. “Please, I’m not a killer, hey Kyle I just wanted to say sorry for choking the life out of you” Chica said to Glitch. “It’s fine I should really head to bed” Glitch said before a hand was put on his shoulder again by Monty. “Yes, I think you should head to bed Kyle, we are all really tired after all” Monty said with red eyes glaring at Glitch. “Yup see ya” Glitch said before running off ``''Monty, why’d you scare the kid like that” Chica asked disappointedly. “What I was just tryna make sure he made it to his room, no big deal” Monty said with a grin. “Right, sure, why don’t you make sure Kyle heads off to bed then” Chica asked. “Oh I’m sure he will” Monty said while watching Glitch. “Finally, time to sleep” Glitch said before realizing that Gregory was sleeping in the bed already. Glitch then walked all the way back to Freddy to talk to him. “Freddy the other guy is already sleeping in the bed, where do I sleep?” Glitch asked. “Hmm, well I guess you’ll have to share a room with one of the other animatronics, but who?” Freddy asked. “How bout you, you seem like you wouldn’t want to kill me in my sleep” Glitch asked. “This recharge station is quite small, you wouldn’t fit, hmm, maybe Monty” Freddy said. “M-M-MONTY, I don’t know if he seems a little extreme, how about Foxy, he seems chill,” Glitch asked. I would not want to disturb him, he has had a rough day, not finding our friend and all, so please, just sleep in Monty’s room, for our sake” Freddy pleaded to Glitch. “Sure, no problem,” Glitch said in fear. “Glitch walked up to Monty’s door and knocked. Monty opened the door in surprise. “The hell you want” Monty firmly asked. “Well I need somewhere to sleep and the other room is taken, so could I stay here please” Glitch firmly asked. “You kidding me, I had something to do tonight, can’t you stay with Foxy or something” Monty asked, getting angrier. “I-i already asked, but Freddy said that he has been through a lot” Glitch explained. “And I haven’t” Monty whispered to himself. Monty thought to himself before making a final decision. “Fine, get in here,” Monty said with an attitude. Glitch entered Monty’s room which was surprisingly clean because Monty normally just wrecks stuff in there. “Sleep on the dang couch and I’m gonna watch some television” Monty said while laying on the charger watching tv. There weren’t many channels, but Monty worked with what he had. A few hours had passed before Monty turned off the TV and went to sleep. Glitch didn’t trust Monty and decided he would go outside before Monty woke up and stopped him. “WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING” Monty asked. “N-nothing just getting a glass of water” Glitch tried to lie and explain. “No you're not, after midnight you can’t leave this room, it’s too dangerous,” Monty explained. “How is that?” Glitch questioned. “I don’t need to explain it to you ya little brat, but ya can’t leave till 6:00 a.m, got it?” Monty firmly asked. “Yes, sorry I didn’t mean to upset you” Glitch said in fear. “Yea whatever, if worst comes down to it, use the damn bucket” Monty said before heading back to charge. “The bucket, for what?” Glitch questioned. “Nevermind, just go to sleep on the couch” Monty explained before charging again. Hours passed and it was 8:00 and everyone was waking up. “Rise and shine, we’ll not really cause we can’t see the sun” Freddy said to everyone. “SHUT UP YA BEAR” Monty yelled. “Hello to you too, Monty,” Freddy said, a little annoyed. “Yes finally, I’m able to leave,” Glitch explained in excitement. “I couldn’t wait for you to leave either now GET OUT” Monty yelled. “Okay okay sheesh” Glitch said while leaving. “Hmm, it seems like everyone is still asleep, or overcharging, Monty, go wake up everyone else, except Gregory, I’ll do that” Freddy explained. “Yeah yeah whatever” said Monty while waking everyone else up. “Roxanne wake the hell up now” Monty said while banging on her door. “Monty calm down, you're already ruining the morning” Roxanne said in annoyance. “Chica, get up, Fazasses orders” Monty said while knocking on the door. “It’ll be a minute,” Chica said in a happy tone. “Foxy, wake up, now” Monty said while banging on the door. “Ay hold on there lad, I got to collect me self first” Foxy said while powering up. “Sheesh, nice morning greetings” Glitch said sarcastically. “Not my fault Fazass told me to wake everyone up” Monty said annoyed. “Language please Monty, there are children here” Freddy said. “What the hell is the plan for today Fazass?” Monty asked. “MONTY STOP CALLING ME THAT.” Freddy said angrily. Monty chuckled, he liked making Freddy angry. “Anyways, I woke you all up because it’s someone else’s turn to look for survivors, who will it be?” Freddy asked. “Well I guess I’ll do it since I haven’t in a while” Chica explained. “I’ll join her, after all the chances of us finding more survivors are greater with two pairs of eyes,” Monty said while pulling his arm around Chica. “No, it is risky to lose two rather than only lose one, Monty. If you want to find someone else you could go the opposite direction and find our old friend” Freddy explained. “That damn bowling bunny ain’t no friend of mine” Monty said with passionate anger. “Why ya getting mad, ya just mad because he was the original, and you just a replacement” Foxy explained trying to defend his friend. “Didn’t you get replaced by a damn fox?” Monty asked Foxy to which Foxy didn’t reply. “HEY” Roxanne said angrily. “That’s what I thought” Monty said angrily. “Monty, stop causing problems,” Chica said, upset. “Me, Freddy started it” Monty said before everyone started to argue with each other. “Um, Gregory, is it normally like this? '' Glitch asked. “No Kyle, it’s like this at least 4 times a week” Gregory said as everyone argued with each other. Meanwhile Suzie was following a tracker from her phone that blade installed for her awhile back after he put a tracking chip on glitch. “aRe YoU sUrE tHaT tHinG eVen wOrks?” syntax error asked skeptically peering at the signal the phone screen was giving off. “I have full faith in Blade's handy work, and we should be arriving at where glitch is any moment now.” suzie and syntax error both landed on the ground and looked around to find themselves in a desolate place. “I kNeW tHaT tHiNg wAs tRaSh.” syntax error growled. “Oh please we just got here. Why don't we take a look around?” Suzie suggested as she started walking around the place. “FinE.” syntax error said following after her. “aRe YoU sUrE tHiS Is wHeRe hE iS aT?” syntax error asked after a few minutes of looking. “Yes, let's try down this hallway.” Suzie suggested as she followed the tracker’s arrow, so they headed down the hallway. “Everyone stop,” Glitch said but no one was listening. “What do we do?” Glitch asked. “This takes a while, honestly there isn’t really much we can do to stop it until Freddy stops it” Gregory said, upset at the situation. “ENOUGH” Freddy yelled in a different voice. “Don’t you tell me enough, you need to” Monty said before Freddy interrupted. “NO, SHUT THE HELL UP, ALL OF YOU, DO YOU REALIZE HOW DIFFICULT IT IS TO BE THE LEADER SOMETIMES WHEN YOU HAVE TO DEAL WITH THIS BS, I’VE HAD ENOUGH” Freddy said before calming down. Everyone was silent and at Freddy’s attention. “Sorry, I just need you all to listen, and what I say stands, Chica, go look for potential survivors, Monty, go look for Bonnie and don’t argue with me” Freddy said calmly. “But Captain, I could go look for Bonnie” Foxy insisted. “No, you need to rest, you’ve been doing it for the past few weeks, you need a break, understand” Freddy said. “Aye, I understand,” Foxy said somberly. “Good, now go,” Freddy said firmly. “I am, sorry sorry you had to see that Kyle, and hear my language, being a leader is not easy at all, in fact it can often be stressful” Freddy said while walking back to the recharge station. “Sheesh, that was hard to see, but at least it’s over, right bro” Glitch said to Gregory not realizing that Gregory already left. “Oh, guess I'll just be out here then,” Glitch said. “Syntax, is it just me or were you hearing lots of faint yelling from somewhere?” Suzie asked, tilting her head to see if she could indicate where the noise was coming from. “I HeArD iT tOo.” syntax error said drawing out both of his huge swords. Suzie and syntax error made their way to the source of the sound, weapons in hand ready for anything they might encounter. “Hello, is anyone there” Chica yelled out. Suzie hesitated but soon yelled back to the voice “yes, who are you?” “I am someone who wants to help, follow the sound of my voice” Chica yelled back. “aBsOlUtElY nOt.” syntax error whispered to suzie which suzie just rolled her eyes in return. “How do we know if we can trust you?” Suzie called back just to appease syntax error. “Aside from the fact that we just rescued another human, there is something dangerous out there and it may now be strong now, but if you wait till midnight you’ll have a really really bad time, you have to trust me” Chica yelled back. Syntax error just scoffed and tried to resist yelling back a snarky answer about him being a universe destroyer and all that. “Ok then.” Suzie said as she walked towards the voice. “Um syntax, you coming?” Suzie asked, realizing he hadn't moved. “IS It JuSt mE oR dO yOu sEncE PosSessEd sOulS?” syntax error said scrunching up his face as he started glitching a lot. “Just you, now come on.” syntax error and suzie started walking towards the voice but syntax error still didn't let his guard down. “No no, you're going to die if you go that direction, follow my voice instead” said another voice more dark and broken than the other one. Syntax error placed his strings around Suzie in a protective cocoon like manner by the sudden intrusion of the new voice. “wHo’s ThErE!?” syntax error growled venomously baring his teeth. “Someone who is trying to save you from a trap, the other voice is a siren, just to lure its prey for easy kills, I will save you though, come this way” the voice said more darkly. “No, please don’t listen to him, he’s lying, follow my voice” Chica yelled. “oH fOr cRyInG oUt lOuD, We cAn SavE oUrSelVEs…Or At lEAsT i CaN.” syntax error said smirking at suzie but she just elbowed him in return. “NO, you will follow me, or you will fear me” the voice said before noises slowly came towards them. “fEaR yOu? haHaHaHaHAHAHA!!!!” syntax error laughed insanely. “yOu sHoUlD bE tHe OnE aBoUt tO fEaR mE.” syntax error said even more darkly, tightening his grip on his swords ready to lounge at who the voice was. Meanwhile Suzie had a bad feeling about where this was heading. “You may not fear me, but I’m sure your little companion will, the only things I fear after all are me, and soon all of you will fear me, SOON ALL OF YOU WILL DIE HAHAHAH, but no no no not now, I need him, I need HIM” the voice said manically. Syntax error mouthed to suzie “run” while gesturing to the direction of the first voice. Suzie quickly sprinted off leaving syntax error with that creepy voice. “NO, you are not the one I seek, NO NO NO, I NEED HIM, I need Glitch” the voice said before fading away. Suzie froze in her tracks and quickly ran back to syntax error. “Did he just say-” Suzie began but was soon cut off by syntax error holding up his hand. “yEs He vErY wElL DiD. SuziE i WanT yOu tO gO hEaD tO tHaT oThEr voiCE.``''and what are you going to do?” Suzie asked, confused , seeing syntax error walk in the other direction. “i'Ve GoT sOmEonE tO gO hUnT, NoBoDY jUsT thReaTeNS Me aNd geTs AwAy wItH.” and with that syntax error just took off down the hall the other direction. Suzie realized it would be pointless to try and stop him so she just headed toward the other voice. “Hello, are you still there, don’t follow the other voice” Chica yelled out. “Dont worry im still here, i never got to ask what your name is.” Suzie said as she neared the owner of the voice. “It’s Chica, now come on, camp is just up ahead” Chica said while leading Suzie back to the camp. “Woah are you a robot chicken?” Suzie asked curiously when she saw her. “Yes, I am a robot, although we are technically called animatronics,” Chica explained. “Who was that voice down there?” Suzie asked as she followed chica. “Someone who never seems to die, he has been killed over and over and over, but always comes back, he calls himself Springtrap” Chica explained. “Say perchance springtrap does happen to die, what then?” Suzie questioned awkwardly. “He comes back, more powerful and angry, he hides back there with millions and millions of endo animatronics, but at midnight he becomes unkillable, he turns into a monster and then kills anyone in his way, doesn’t matter who it is, he is a monster who should not be messed with, but as long as no one tries to fight him and anger him, we should all charge or in your case sleep just fine” Chica said while walking back to the camp. “About that actually, would you believe me if I told you that an undie able universe destroyer is currently hunting springtrap.” Suzie said nervously. “Please tell me your joking, if someone anger’s Springtrap we are done for, those who are killable I mean, like all of us at the camp” Chica said hoping it was a joke. “Well I mean if you anger that universe destroyer and he happens to learn that the thing he is hunting wont die…that will probably enrage him and he will wipe out the entire universe here.” Suzie said face palming herself realizing it was a bad idea letting syntax error go off like that. “NO, EVEN IF SPRINGTRAP DIES HE ALWAYS COMES BACK, HE COULD COME BACK EVEN IF THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE WAS DESTROYED, BUT WE CAN’T” Chica said very worried. “How do you know, I'm guessing you have never fought with magic or code destroying powers before so there is like an 87% chance that springtrap would die for good if his code got wiped off existence.” Suzie chimed in hopefully. “Not Springtrap, look even if the entire universe is destroyed and maybe even Springtrap we will not survive, I gotta tell Freddy, we need to get out of here” Chica said running to Freddy for help. “Chica, you returned, is everything okay?” Freddy asked. “NO, IT’S NOT, A UNIVERSE DESTROYER IS GOING TO FIGHT SPRINGTRAP, AND THE WHOLE UNIVERSE COULD BE DESTROYED, WE NEED TO LEAVE NOW” Chica said in lots of fear. “It’s okay Chica calm down, let’s just get Monty and find a way out of here” Freddy said before trying to contact Monty. “ I am sure he won't destroy the universe…unless he figures out he can't kill springtrap of coarse.'' Suzie said trying to make it seem like everything was going to be fine but now really regretting letting her glitchy moron go get revenge on this springtrap. “Well knowing Springtrap I definitely feel like leaving this world is the best idea, it’s a shame we never found Bonnie though, but we have no choice, Monty come in, it's Freddy, abandon search, we need to leave now” Freddy said waiting for a response. ”Actually I think I found your dumb bunny animatronic,” said Monty. “THAT'S GREAT TO HEAR MONTY, where is he” Freddy asked. “Being controlled by Springtrap, in fact, I think Bonnie is the host of Springtrap” Monty said, seeing Springtrap fight Syntax Error. “That is, not good to hear at all, it looks as though Bonnie is beyond saving, you on the other hand must return back here before everything is destroyed” Freddy said while Monty was running back. “OH NO YOU DON’T” Springtrap said while grabbing Monty. Syntax error quickly teleported behind springtrap jabbing his sword down into his shoulder blade not trying to kill him right away but having fun hoping to see him suffer for threatening him. “Hahah, fool, I’m a corpse in a bunny suit, I lost all feeling after being Springlocked to death” Springtrap said while letting go of Monty and fighting Syntax back. Monty ran towards the exit and soon made it back to camp. Syntax error realized that maybe trying to put him in a lot of pain wasn't the best idea. He quickly dodged a blow sent from springtrap and pinned him down with his strings immobilizing his movements. “D-damn it, you think some strings will stop me, this is my world, this is my domain, and I have puppets that will do my bidding no matter what” said Springtrap before calling his army to fight Syntax Error. “oH a JoY, MaYbE If ClOsE YoUr Big MeTaL mOutH You WilL bE aBle To kEep yOur wOrlD.” Syntax error said tauntingly as he looked around at the new puppets he could use for himself against springtrap. “This world, it’s not this world I am looking for, it’s what’s in it, and I am not looking for you, but for someone else to make me strong again, someone to make me truly invisible, someone to make me the most powerful being that ever roamed the multiverse, after all, you may be one of the most powerful in the universe, but I seek the multiverse, and once I have what I seek, you will all BOW DOWN BEFORE ME” Springtrap said before exploding himself, leaving nothing but a broken animatronic that was unuseable. While springtrap was gloating, syntax error was making his hand like a puppet mocking him until springtrap stopped talking. “yOu DoNe YeT?” syntax error asked smirking down at him as he placed his sword close to the aminitronic’s neck. “Quite done with you, after all I am looking for someone’s blood, not a fight” Springtrap said before destroying all the animatronic endo’s and being a voice again. “yEaH wElL iF yOu WeReNt LoOkIng For a FiGhT mAyBe yOu ShoUldN't hAve tHreatened Me or mY cReaTor.” syntax error pointed out. “oH, if You aRe tAlkING aBoUt gLitCh, YoU cAn HaVe hIm aFteR SuzIe iS dOne ApoloGisInG tO hIm and If He reJEctS hEr ApOloGY.” syntax error said firmly since that was pretty much the only reason he was here to begin with. “I will, most definitely I will” said Springtrap leaving Syntax Error. Syntax error just flipped him off before heading in the direction where that other aminitronic went in hopes he may find suzie. Monty had returned back to camp. “I’m back, that dummy Springtrap though he got me, but I was tough enough to break free” Monty said to everyone. “Right, we'll need to get out of here, where is Kyle?” Freddy asked. “Well i can't leave yet, i came here to find my friend glitch.'' Suzie told them. “There is no one else here but Kyle and Gregory, Roxy please go get Kyle, we must leave at once” Freddy commanded. “Okay, I got it,” Roxy said. “Um Captain, if ya don’t mind me asking if Springtrap is dead then how come we are all still alive” Foxy asked. “Hmm, maybe the universe will be destroyed in like a little bit and it just takes a minute” Freddy answered trying to get the right answer. “Maybe if I find syntax error and glitch we can leave and then this universe won't be destroyed.” suzie suggested hopefully. “I still don’t know who this Glitch person is, but hey, there are Kyle and Roxy,” Freddy said. “Yeah the kid was taking a nap, but now it’s time to leave” Roxy said ready to leave. Suzie looked up to see a wolf robot and glitch walking beside it. “Glitch, you're ok.” Suzie exclaimed happily when she saw him. “Y-you, you followed me, here, how did you find me, if you have come to retrieve more blood than forget it” Glitch said upset before Freddy intervened. “Hold it, I thought you said your name was Kyle, your Glitch” Freddy questioned. “Wait, your Glitch?” asked Monty. “Look, yes I am Glitch, but I..” Glitch said before being interrupted by Monty. “That’s great to hear” Monty said before getting a knife to Glitches throat. “STAY BACK ALL OF YOU” Monty said with purple eyes. “Oh no you dont.” Suzie said before throwing her paint brush like a boomerang knocking into his head stunning him before he could do anything else. She quickly grabbed her paint brush splashing him with red paint and with a snap of her finger the paint had turned into chains wrapped around him tying his hands to his sides. “Enough, you will release me or I will self-destruct and kill Monty, and then move on to the next one” said Monty with his voice slowly changing. “You're not Monty, it’s you, Springtrap,” Freddy said grimly. “In the flesh, or rather metal, now I suggest that you take these chains off me or you’ll be down one member, then two, then three, then-” Springtrap said before being interrupted by Freddy. “We get it, look Springtrap Monty did nothing to you, now please let him go, this doesn’t have to end like this” Freddy pleaded with Springtrap. “NO, this is how I become stronger, the prophecy says we will be the last ones, but a hero will emerge to stop us even at the peak of victory, the one who’s blood we took, and he will be able to kill the ultimate one of them all, if I have to kill the hero to serve under the father of darkness then so be it” Springtrap said refusing to accept otherwise. Suzie nervously looked at glitch, could the prophecy relate to him in some way? “So um springtrap, any chance you have encountered syntax error?” Suzie asked in hopes of a response. “Quiet fool, I haven’t come here to answer questions, I came here to ensure victory for all of us, and if you refuse to release me then say go bye to Monty and hello to scrap” Springtrap said while about to blow himself up. “SHUT HIM DOWN, NOW” Freddy yelled. “How do we do that?” Suzie questioned as she made the chains disappear. “There is a button somewhere I think, but I don’t remember where” Freddy said nervously. “Tick tick, time is running out” Springtrap said while just standing there with his hands behind his back. “Aye Freddy I think I know where the button be, but ya gotta hold him down and I gotta take off the shell on his head” Foxy said as they ran towards Springtrap and tied him down. “You think that will work, wasteful idiots” Springtrap said while struggling. “There, that is the button, shut it off now” Freddy said while holding down Springtrap. While in the moment of chaos syntax error teleported behind suzie, but no one noticed since they were all busy with springtrap. “I got it” Chica said while pressing the button and shutting off Monty. “There, it is over, but we still must find a way out of here before he comes back,” Freddy said. “wElL wE cOuLd JusT tElEPort YoU oUt oF hErE.” syntax error suddenly said out of nowhere. “That would be perfect, since everyone is here we can-” said Freddy before Glitch interrupted him. “NO WAY, YOU CAN’T TRUST THEM, LAST TIME I TRUSTED THEM I WAS TAKEN TO A DESERT AND NEARLY KILLED, THEN I WAS FORCED TO HAVE MY BLOOD EXTRACTED FROM ME UNWILLINGLY, WE CAN’T TRUST THEM” Glitch said firmly to Freddy. “Listen superstar, I will do what I must to protect my friends and whatever beef you have with these people is something you must deal with outside of here, now is not the time to be selfish” Freddy said calmly and firmly. “aCtUaLLy nOw Is ThE pErfEcT tIme.” syntax error said as he walked over to glitch. “I DoNt ThInK We HaVe MeT in PERsoN nOw hAve we?” syntax error said sticking out his hand for glitch to shake which made suzie very confused by the sudden gesture. “We have not, who are you?” Glitch asked. “taKe a GUeSs kId.” syntax error said glitching a lot. “Are you that Syntax Error guy?” Glitch asked. “tHe oNe aNd oNlY. You MusT bE gLitch THe oNe We rIsKeD aRe LivEs To SavE aNd HeLP trAIn AnD yOu oNlY rEpAy Us FoR aRe KinDnEsS bY RuNnInG AwAy aNd LeaViNg SuZiE An EmoTioNaL wRecK.” syntax error retorted back keeping eye contact with glitch while suzie rolled her eyes in the back corner. “I don’t exactly consider trying to kill someone or stealing blood without permission kindly, would you?” Glitch stated and asked. Suzie proceeded to shove syntax error out of the way to answer this question. “Look, it was wrong of us to do that, we were only trying to help you, that's why i came looking for you so i could apologize on behalf of venom and me on how we broke your trust.” Suzie explained truthfully. “Hmm, well while I’m definitely never letting you ever have any of your scientists near me for probably ever i suppose I can’t hold a grudge, that being said whenever I return won’t be anytime soon, since I was suffering in the heat against those Gaster blasters” Glitch explained. Syntax error was trying to stifle down a laugh but Suzie quickly glared at him to shut it. “Actually, i guess venom didn't mention this but the desert is actually where most of the soldiers and celestial guards were trained and it was an idiot move of venom to assume you were ready for level 35 training drills.'' Suzie said, trying to clear up the misunderstanding. “Level thirty five, hmm well now I definitely won’t be back for a while” Glitch explained. “Yeah well he was supposed to train you to summon other weapons but instead he decided to teach you how to blow up into smithereens properly.” Suzie said embarrassed. “Perhaps I shall return to train with him soon, but in the meantime we should actually get up from here, this place is starting to collapse on itself” Glitch said as the building was breaking. “aWw MaN, WaY tO rUin tHe mOmEnT GlItcH.” Syntax error said, smirking at him. “What about Bonnie?” Freddy said before seeing the broken body of Springtrap running towards them. “Y-you wiLL, alL DIE WHen I rEturn” Springtrap said running at then. “tImE To Go.” syntax error quickly said before wrapping everyone with his strings and teleporting them out, but not before he could flip springtrap off with both of his hands. The building collapsed on Springtrap and he began shutting down. “They may have escaped, but I will still prevail, we will ALL prevail and put an end to those wretched beings” Springtrap said before his soul returned to his leader. Bonnie was free from Springtrap at last and began making the search for his other friends even with his broken body. Syntax error had teleported them into the throne room since that was the first place he could think of. “wElP tHaT WaS An EnJoYaBlE DaY, SeE ya.” syntax error said sarcastically as he teleported off leaving suzie and the rest of the other guys by themselves. “Wait, we may be free from Springtrap, but we still must charge, otherwise we will shut down” Freddy said in realization. “Well you're in luck i think we can find you some chargers here if not i could just make some though i feel like that might be cheating.” Suzie said as she brushed herself off. “Wait, can you create anything superstar” Freddy asked. “Why yes, anything.” Suzie said proudly. “Could you perhaps create new body’s for all of us that have our own defense mechanisms and unlimited charge?” Freddy asked excitedly. “Woof, that's a tall order my friend might take me a few hours but yes, yes i can.” Suzie said happily. “Thank you Superstar, you don’t have to change the design but we are very grateful for this” Freddy said happily. “Well I should get you guys some spare rooms to stay in while I work on drawing and creating your new bodies.” Suzie said as she signaled for them to follow her. “Just a second, I need to talk to Kyle, or I guess your real name is Glitch, care to explain that superstar?” Freddy asked seriously. “Look I can’t trust everyone or anyone anymore, I’ve been betrayed too many times, ya know, it’s hard.” Glitch said to Freddy. “Listen superstar, I understand that not everyone is your friend and that you can’t trust everyone, but just remember, if you don’t trust anyone at all ever, you will not make it through life” Freddy said before walking off with the others to find their rooms. One by one Suzie showed everyone their rooms until it was just her and glitch heading back to his old room. “Hey um glitch, thanks for coming back. The place didn't feel the same without you.” Suzie said, smiling a little. “Well I suppose that life does happen and mistakes are made and we can’t live our lives angry, but I will have to return home soon for my upcoming exams” Glitch said while cringing at the word exams. “Gosh, wouldn't want to miss that,'' Suzie said jokingly as they arrived at his room. “Look glitch, I understand if you wont forgive me but i promise you I will still help you get home.” said suzie determinedly. “It’s not I don’t forgive you, it’s forgetting that is most difficult, but i suppose I’ll forget at some point.” “Sigh…well if you need anything you know where my room is.” Suzie said before turning to walk away, a little disappointed in her attempt to make amends right. Suzie headed back to her room and started working on Freddy's request right away. After halfway through it her phone buzzed. Suzie looked up to check it and saw that venom was asking where she was currently. Suzie just decided to tell him what happened rather than explain it to him in person. Venom texted back with a shock emoji and asked if he could come see glitch. Suzie quickly texted back telling him no or at least not till we have his trust again. Venom just replied with k indicating it was the end of the conversation. After Suzie finished drawing out all the new fancy robot body designs she headed out to the throne room where she would create them into reality. Walking down the hallway Suzie couldn't help but admire her handy work, this was going to be the best robot creation she has ever done since they automatically charged themselves when they moved and that the metal material would be very efficient in defense and resisting damage. When she got the throne room she carefully placed the drawings on the ground in a row. Swiping her paint brush over it, out sprang the new shiny robot bodies, still with the same designs as they requested. Guess it was time to go tell them that their new bodies were ready. After a few minutes she arrived at freddy's door knocking on it politely. Freddy opened the door and greeted Suzie. “Greetings superstar, is there something you would like” Freddy asked. “I just came here to tell you that your new stylish bodies are finished and waiting in the throne room.” Suzie said happily. “Oh, that did not take long, that is amazing news to hear too, I will get the others and let them know as we go to the throne room” Freddy said very excitedly. “Great,” Suzie said as she headed back to the throne room, stopping on the way to knock on the other animatronics rooms to tell them the news. “I can’t wait to see the new bodies, how about you guys?” Freddy asked the other animatronics. “Aye captain, it would be really nice to have an upgrade rather than this old body” Foxy said happily. “I'm sure it will be perfect,” Chica said excitedly. “Well as long as I look the same, it’ll be perfect” Roxanne said while using a mirror to admire herself. “Please, I don’t give two $&#%*” Monty said with an attitude. “Monty please, don’t be like that, not after everything we have been through '' Freddy pleaded. “Shut up Fazass, I could care less about what you say” Monty said angrily. “Uh guys, now is not the time.” Suzie said a little annoyed as they came into the throne room. “Sorry, it won’t happen again, right Monty? '' Freddy said to Monty hoping for a better response. “Whatever, let’s just get this over with already so I don’t have to see your face” Monty said to Freddy while upset. “Ta da, behold your new bodies.” Suzie announced proudly. “Oh my, they look amazing,” Freddy said, very excited. “Mine looks just like me, just the way it was always meant to be '' Roxanne said admiring the new body. “Aye, this definitely will be an upgrade worth noting” Foxy said impressively. “I love it,” Chica said very happily. “If mine can do some damage to our enemies then it’s good enough for me” Monty said. “Well I'm glad you guys all like me, but how are you going to transfer into them?” Suzie said, questioning freddy. “Well we just have to transfer our sou- I mean our robot minds to the other ones. it will work out, but we just need to take them back to our rooms to do it, right guys' ' Freddy said, looking at them all in hopes they would just agree with him. “Yup” they all said while taking the new bodies back to the room to transfer to. “Alright then, you guys go do that. I'm going to go check on Glitch to see how he is doing.” Suzie said as she headed off to the direction of glitches room. Upon coming to the door of Glitches room Suzie knocked on it lightly waiting hopefully for a response, as she fidgeted with the hem of her hoodie nervously. “Who is it?” Glitch asked. “It's just me, Suzie, I came to see how you were doing.” Suzie replied back. “I am fine, just tired,” Glitch said back. “Oh, well ok then i won't disturb you.” Suzie said, her shoulders drooping a little with disappointment. “Not physically, mentally tired, tired of being in a position of danger helpless, always relying on others for protection, knowing that those who protect me can also turn on me” Glitch said while looking down, upset at his lack of power. “Is…is there anything I can do to help?” Suzie asked, perking her head up a bit. “I don’t know, unless you can make me the most powerful being in the universe than not really, I desire to make others look for me for help, knowing they have someone powerful to protect them, knowing they have a friend by their side” Glitch said. “It’s actually a lot of responsibility looking out for others who are unable to protect themselves, but eventually over time those who were protected become the protectors. For example, I used to have to be protected by syntax error and the star sans when I first started traveling the universes, but they taught me and I learned from them and now look at me. Protecting those who weren't able to protect themselves.” Suzie said thinking back at the memories she had before she started creating universes. “Your different, you had people you knew from a younger age, you had a family, I had nothing, I was left on the street with no prior knowledge of my existence, some random person found me and helped me, but they never knew my powers, they never knew how to train me, some people I know still think of me as a foreigner, or even a human and want me executed, the ones who I trusted are the ones who may have given me shelter, but now I am the one wondering if I can even trust them, or are they keeping me in a prison I never knew of, who is to say who my friend or enemy is, who can I really trust, what is my true purpose” Glitch ranted while taking his glasses off and putting his finger on his eyes in anger at himself and life. “I…I am sorry you think that way. From what i have learned trust takes time, even in some cases it may even take years, i don't understand how one could get through life without trusting another person…'' Suzie said contemplating if he needs alone time or not. “Perhaps I will be that one, until my trust returns,” Glitch said while looking outside. “Well i have been respecting your space by knocking and talking to you through a door but as the empress i am asserting my authority and coming.” and with that suzie opened the door, walked over to glitch and gave him a big hug knowing deep down that he needed this. “T-thank you, i will be fine though” Glitch said, hugging her back. “Sshhhh, you just need to be shown love right now that's all.” Suzie said, caressing his back with her hand. “I understand,” Glitch said while still hugging Suzie. “Feel better?” Suzie finally asked after a few minutes. “Yes, I feel better,” Glitch said with a smile. “That's great.” Suzie said relieved that it worked as she pulled away from the hug. “Well I should probably get some rest, I may not need sleep, but it’s still refreshing” Glitch said. “Well if you want some rest, might i suggest using my bed. It was enchanted by one of my friends to allow the user who sleeps on it to have good dreams.” offered suzie happily. “I'd be happy to” Glitch answered but then heard another knock on the door. “Is that one of your friends?” Glitch asked. “Who is it?” Suzie called out. “It is Freddy, sorry I was looking for Glitch” Freddy answered from behind the door. “Oh come in then glitch is here.” Suzie said, smiling as she went to open the door to let Freddy in. Freddy opened the door and walked in. “I am sorry to intrude, but I would like to talk to Glitch” Freddy requested. Of coarse, don't mind me then.'' Suzie said as she waltzed over to the far side of the room to busy herself looking out a window. “Yes Freddy, can I help you?” Glitch asked. “Yes actually, I wanted to ask you why you lied to me” Freddy said while looking at Glitch. “What do you mean?” Glitch said confused. “Look, you lied about your name and called yourself Kyle, then you said you were human, but you're not, why did you lie?” Freddy asked Glitch. “Look, I lied because I didn’t know you, I didn’t have a clue who you were or anything about you, and now it’s hard to trust people, at least for me” Glitch explained. “Look, superstar, I am not fully sure what happened to you or what you have been through, but I want you to know that you can trust me, I mean you no harm and only want to help you” Freddy explained. “Well, it’s gonna take a while before that happens to be honest, maybe one day” Glitch said to Freddy. “I understand, and I know it’s late so we can continue this discussion in the morning, I will let you go to bed” Freddy said while walking out. “Well then Suzie if you don’t mind showing me the room we can go there” Glitch said ready for bed. “Yeah it is getting pretty late,” Suzie said, yawning a little. Suzie made a portal with her paintbrush leading to her room. Suzie entered the portal with glitch following her through it as they entered her room. Her room was covered with drawings hanging on the walls and lots of art supplies here and there. “Sorry for the mess, usually i don't expect company way up here.'' Suzie said, a little embarrassed. “Won’t matter once I’m asleep” Glitch said ready for bed. Well my bed is right over here.” Suzie said gesturing to the bed at the end of the room. It was a king size bed with yellow and white drapes hanging around it studded with gems that looked like deep space. “Nice, let’s hope I get amazingly awesome dreams” Glitch said while laying on the bed. “Yeah I hope so too. Welp I guess I will go sleep on my throne tonight.`` Suzie said, stretching and yawning a little. “Okay, good night, see you tomorrow” Glitch said as he got comfortable in the bed and was about to sleep. Suzie walked back to the throne room. Placing her stuff on the ground next to it. After a few attempts she tried to get comfortable in it but to avail did she seem to be able to relax in it. It didn't help that she didn't have a blanket or a pillow to comfort her with. “Maybe glitch wouldn't mind if I slept at the foot of the bed. I mean it is my bed anyway so i guess he won't mind.`` Suzie said as she picked up her paintbrush and made her way back to her room. When she arrived she quickly but silently made her way to the foot of the bed where she finally got comfortable to sleep. Glitch’s dream began with him feeling very very cold. “What the heck” Glitch said as he got off the snow and saw he was in a winter-like world with no clue where he was. “What is going on, how did I get here? Wait, no this is just a dream, but how come I feel very cold” Glitch said, confused as he heard noise and saw a polar bear. “Aww (Glitch)” Glitch said as the polar bear saw him and started charging after him, Glitch ran for a little before being cornered and seeing no escape. “Dang it, I thought the bed gave you good dreams, wait a second, I am tired, is this real?” Glitch said as the bear was about to kill him but an arrow was shot where the bear bled out and died to death. “Who shot that, sure as heck wasn’t me” Glitch said as he saw the figure who looked like an archer. “The archer motioned Glitch to follow them and so Glitch did so. Glitch and the figure eventually stopped where it looked like the archer set up camp where there were two tents, but one was open and the other still closed. “Before anything else, tell me who you are now, and why I’m here” Glitch asked, demanding an answer. “Wow I save you and this is how you thank me, maybe a thanks will do” the archer said sounding a little bit upset. “Name, now” Glitch said standing his ground. “I don’t #%*^% have one” the Archer explained. “Fine, we'll tell me how I ended up here,” Glitch asked. “You tell me, there isn’t anyone usually out here, I heard a coward running from a bear and found the coward, that’s all there is to it” the Archer explained. “Is any of this even real?” Glitch asked, confused. “You tell me” the Archer said while throwing a snowball at Glitch. “Hey, yeah that felt real,” Glitch said, a little upset. “Yeah, it still seems fake to you,” the archer asked jokingly. “Look I don’t have time for this, I need to head back before everyone goes crazy and you try to take my blood or something” Glitch explained. “Good luck with that, there is no one out here for light years, and I don’t think you know how to travel that far do you” the archer asked. “My friends will be looking for me,” Glitch explained. “So they can protect you again, like they always do,” the archer said. “I-I’ll be able to protect myself soon” Glitch replied back to the archer. “I’m sure you will when you turn into a puppet, you're wasting your time kid, your friends won’t be looking for you, trust me on that” the archer explained. “They have to, they always do,” Glitch said. “Look kid, in situations like these, it’s best to learn to defend yourself rather than have others defend you all the time, plus it makes you seem very very weak” the archer explained while getting out a knife and sharpening it. “And with who to teach me, the last time I tried to learn something from someone they nearly killed me” Glitch said upset. “You seem smart, find someone who will train you and not kill you” the archer said. “And I don’t suppose you’d be talking about yourself do you” Glitch asked. “Look kid, i won’t “suppose” anything, I will only offer, I know a guy that could train you to defend yourself, and to help you learn to be more powerful, but it’s gonna take time, lots of time, although you probably don’t have the strength to do it do ya” the archer said mocking. “Yeah I do, let’s go right now” Glitch said ready to train. “Hold up kid, you can’t train now, I just met ya anyway, look how about this, take this and decide if you will take the offer, simple as that” the archer said while throwing the knife to Glitch and Glitch trying to catch it only for the knife to go through Glitches hand. But Glitch had no reaction and no blood was shed, when he removed the knife his hand went back to normal. “What just happened” Glitch said, confused and concerned. “Go back home now kid, maybe we’ll be seeing you around” the archer said to Glitch while entering his tent. Glitch fell back on the ground and when he woke up again he was in bed warm and toasty. “He felt something in his pocket and pulled it out to see it was the knife. “What the (Glitch)” Glitch said as he put the knife under the bed to hide it from anyone. Suzie woke up feeling a little sturing but shut her eyes again refusing to wake up to reality yet so she tugged a bit of the blanket away from glitch to snuggle in. “When did she get in here” Glitch thought to himself but then looked at the knife again curious how he obtained it. “He who reads this knife needs to be silent to others and hold his tongue, for if he speaks to others he will lose his tongue and his life, be warned” Glitch said as he read the knife and put it down in horror. Glitch then put the knife back under the bed and went back to sleep. Suzie woke up peaking her eyes open a bit to feel someone up next to her but was too lazy to move so she went right back to sleep since she was still dead tired to the world. Much time had passed and Glitch had woken up since it was the morning. He then recollected his thoughts and remembered what the knife said and what the archer offered him. He went under the bed, took the knife and hid it in his pocket and left the room fast. “Going somewhere already?” Suzie said, peeping her eyes open as she lazily yawned. “Oh ya know just going to go enjoy the morning while it’s still here” Glitch explained. “Wait for me then, ain't no way i am letting you out of sight.” Suzie said as she rolled out of bed, but accidentally got tangled up in the sheets and fell face first “must the world already be against me?” Suzie grumbled to herself getting up. “Well as much as I’d love to hang out with you I must first get myself ready in the washroom, gotta stay in check with my look after all” Glitch said while walking away before running into Freddy. “Oops, sorry Superstar are you okay” Freddy said to Glitch while he was still walking/sprinting off. “Yea I’m fine see you later” Glitch said while running off. “Odd,” Suzie thought to herself. “Um freddy, is there anything I can help you with?” Suzie asked, a little embarrassed, that Freddy walked in on them both in the room very early in the morning. “Well aside from wondering what is up with Glitch, I was letting you both know that I made pancakes for breakfast” Freddy explained. “Really? Well that's great…wait hold up where did you get the stuff to do that?” Suzie asked suspiciously. “Well, I may have found some old pots and pans, thoroughly cleaned them and made the pancake ingredients from thin slices or air,” Freddy said jokingly. Suzie frowned a little, that did not really help, maybe some of the kitchen staff lent him ingredients. “Well I bet they taste amazing, but I think I should get ready for the morning,'' Suzie said, letting out one last yawn. “Of course.” Freddy said, walking back to the kitchen to keep the food warm. “I should tell the kitchen staff not to let our guest make the food, that's supposed to be the host job.”Suzie mumbled to herself as she set the bed and headed down stairs to the throne room to grab her stuff that she left last night. After grabbing her stuff from the throne room she quickly headed off to breakfast in hopes of maybe seeing glitch there and freddy and his friends. “Maybe, I can go to the bathroom and look more at the knife,” Glitch said while running into Monty. “Ow, watch it dummy” Monty said while Glitch ran right past him and didn’t even acknowledge him. This upset Monty so he grabbed Glitch by the arm. “Hey, I’m talking to you ya entitled brat, don’t run into me again” Monty said while red glowing eyes were looking at Glitch. “Yea yeah i won’t” Glitch said, yanking his arm back and running to the washroom. Glitch entered the washroom and took the knife out of his pocket to read it again. “What do I even do with this, I didn’t bring a knife here or anything, people will definitely wonder why I have a knife laying around, maybe for now it’s best to keep it hidden” Glitch thought to himself before putting the knife back in his pocket and getting himself ready for the morning. Suzie entered the dining hall swiftly as she headed towards the smell of freshly made pancakes. “Morning guys, glad to see you all awake.” Suzie said happily seeing them. “Morning superstar, although I guess I already saw you” Freddy said while Monty walked in with an attitude as usual. “Morning idiots, I take my damn oil to go” Monty said, grabbing a bottle or oil and about to leave when Freddy stepped in the way. “No, you are going to sit down and enjoy this amazing breakfast with everyone, including the person who gave you the new body you appear to be rocking” Freddy said motioning for Monty to sit down. “Whatever Fazass” Monty said while having a seat. “Oh monty i'm so glad you are here to join us.'' Suzie said sarcastically, smiling. “Like I have a damn choice” Monty mumbled to himself. Suzie chuckled at this then headed to make herself some breakfast on a plate. “So Freddy, how are you planning on getting back home?” Suzie asked as she sat down to eat. “I am not sure we have a home to return to, last I heard the pizza plex was destroyed as we escaped, if we go back people might try to discard us and use us for spare parts, my only conclusion is we must find a new home to start our own life with perhaps a band that travels around the world to make money from concerts” Freddy explained. “Heh, not a terrible idea, though as much as i like the thought i dont think it would be safe to do it back in your universe.” Suzie explained sadly. “Of course, our universe would have us captured and thrown into prison, or scrapped, who knows, but I will eventually have to go back there” Freddy explained. “Hmm i have an idea, but i am not sure if you may be up to it.” Suzie said deep in thought. “What is the idea?” Freddy asked. “Well… i could perchance, make you the same exact universe to live in but without a springtrap in it.`` Suzie offered nervously. “I don’t wish to have another universe that reminds me of home, especially after” Freddy said before being silent. “Oh, well it was just a thought.” Suzie said quickly seeing the reaction on freddys face. “HEY SUZIE!” venom said, suddenly appearing out of nowhere right behind her scaring her half to death. “VENOM, can you please not do that? You scared the living soul out of me.'' Suzie said recovering from the sudden appearance of him. “Haha sorry, didn't mean to scare you[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif] down to the bone[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif].” venom said winking at the last part. “Say, um suzie, who might these people be?” Venom gestured at the animatronics, quietly summoning a small dagger behind his back because something was off about these robot’s souls. “Oh these are my friends who we rescued from their world.” Suzie explained happily. “Friends ok…” Venom said a little unsure but quickly looked around to see them all staring at him weirdly. “Oh, whoops, where are my manors? My name is Sans, but my universe name is venom.” he said, stretching out his hand to freddy (having a whoopie cushion in it). “Hello, I am Freddy, Freddy Fazbear I am the leader of the other animatronics,” Freddy said as he shook Venom’s hand. “PPPFFFFFTTTTT” “ehHAHAHAHAHA!!!” venom said laughing his head off “the old whoopie cushion in the hand trick, never gets old.” venom said whipping a fake tear of laughter away. “Seriously.” Suzie said, eyes rolling at him. “Haha, very funny superstar” Freddy said while laughing a little. Venom raised a bone brow a little confused since no one ever laughed at that joke before, “didn't take you for someone who had a knack for fun jokes.” venom said as he made the dagger disappear from behind his back knowing that these guys were ok. “Well the kids I used to work with needed a joke once in a while, so I had to find a joke book and read off of it sometimes, but either way it’s good to meet you” Freddy explained. “Nice to meet you too, but excuse me but I gotta go find glitch before quickly trying to dash off only to be grabbed by his fluffy hood by suzie. “Venom. I will not allow you to do that. You are probably the last person he wants to see.” Suzie said sternly. “Aww why not???” venom whined as he made sad puppy eyes. “I think you know why.'' Suzie said not trying to look him in the eyes. “But that's no faaaaiiiiiiiirrrrr.'' Venom whined even louder, draping himself across the table in drama. “Uhg, no is my final answer, you will not be seeing glitch.” Suzie said, letting go of his hoodie. Venom just growled and grabbed one of Suzie's pancakes, stuffing it in his face pouting. “Hey guys, sorry I’m late” Glitch said walking in trying to not be suspicious for being late. Venom sat up abruptly choking on his pancake. “Sp-speak of the devil *cough* glitch *cough* long time no see.” venom said trying to recover even though he didnt need to breath even when eating food. “I was hoping the long time would last longer,” Glitch said with a hint of anger. “Welp i didn't.'' Venom said very optimistically as Suzie dragged him off from on top of the table since he was shaking it a lot. Glitch said nothing and grabbed pancakes and was about to leave. “Hey wait where are you going?” venom said bounding after him like a child. “I’m leaving,” Glitch said while leaving. Venom still followed after him even if Suzie was trying to gesture for venom to leave him alone. “Sigh, why must he always disobey me.” Suzie grumbled out loud. “Leave me alone Venom, I got stuff to do” Glitch said while walking off. “And miss training, I don't think so.” venom said stubbornly still following him. “I need no training from you” Glitch said upsettingly. “Um yes you do, how else will you learn to summon weapons and stop being weak.” venom pointed out smirking a little. “This weakling will find his own way,” Glitch said angrily. “Nope, not going to happen, i'm going to teach you and that's that, not even your girlfriend can help you out.” venom said adding the last part smirking even more. “You will try to force it again, and I have no girlfriend” Glitch said while getting very angry. “Oh please, you are the first person the empress has ever opened up to so quickly, and don't think i don't know about last night.” venom said teasingly. “What are you talking about?” Glitch questioned. “Oh you know exactly what I'm talking about, I got news from one of the palace guards that you went up to her room last night.” venom said, wiggling his eyebrows up and down playfully. “You don’t even know the full story, not that I care to even tell you” Glitch said arriving at his original room. “Sure, sure I definitely know you are up to something else, that's why I followed you to give advice about it.” venom said, suddenly stopping in his tracks. “What advice, what are you talking about?” Glitch asked. “You know exactly what I'm talking about, you aren't fooling anyone.” venom said, rolling his eyes. “Guess I’ll know in the comfort of my dang bedroom” Glitch said about closing the door. Venom smiled mischievously, this was going to be a fun experience especially with Suzie's crush since he managed to figure it out the first day he met glitch. Venom lazily teleported into glitches room right onto his bed laying there lazily. “Get the (Glitch) out of my room, NOW” Glitch said firmly. Venom put his hand over his heart wounded. “Language glitch, now is not the time to be hostile with Suzie’s best friend.” Venom said, sitting up from his position. “You may be Suzie’s best friend, but you and I are far from friends at all,” Glitch said while pointing at Venom. “I guess acquaintances wouldnt hurt, but i was coming to slip you a bit of news i figured out thats all.” venom said, rocking back and forth in excitement on how the conversation was about to go. “What news?” Glitch asked, raising an eyebrow. “Oh nothing really just something that has to do with suzie that's all..'' Venom said slyly. “What are you talking about?” Glitchwtyy asked impatiently. “SUZIE HAS A CRUSH ON YOU!!!!” Venom yelled at the top of his lounges before grabbing a pillow and laughing his head into it and then he quickly teleported away to let Glitch soak in the news. “W-what” Glitch said while thinking then he started to smile about it. Then he thought to himself. “What if Venom is just lying, how can I even know if it’s true” Glitch though. “I know, I’ll just go ask one of the animatronics, they perhaps might know” Glitch said before trying to find Freddy. Meanwhile venom found suzie back in her room drawing at her desk. “I told him.” Venom announced excitedly. “You did not!” Suzie said, whipping her head around. “Oh I did too.” Venom said, bounding over to Suzie's bed still holding the pillow. “How am i supposed to tell my best friend secrets if he can't keep them?” Suzie said as she buried her face in her hands terrified of how glitch may have taken the news. “Relax your majesty, you were bound to have another person to rule with by your side at some point.” Venom said coming over to pat Suzie on the shoulder but was soon swatted away. “Freddy, I have a question: how do you know if someone likes you, or if you like that person back?” Glitch asked Freddy. “Um superstar I am not fully sure to be honest, maybe ask someone like Foxy '' Freddy insisted. “Okay” Glitch said before walking over to Foxy who was role playing to himself. “Argg ye won’t be taking me booty any time soon, me and te captain will be the richest pirates to roll the seven seas, ain’t that right captain” Foxy said before putting out a small toy Freddy and then mimicking his voice. “Of course sailor Foxy, all this booty be ours for the keeping” Foxy said. “Um Foxy, did I catch you at a bad time?” Glitch asked. “AHH, DANG IT LAD, DON’T SCARE ME LIKE THAT” Foxy said shocked. “Sorry, I just had a question, is that all?” Glitch said. “Listen if it be about what I be doing lad best not worry about it, I was just trying to remember de old days is all lad” Foxy explained. “No it’s about something else '' Glitch explained. “Like what lad” Foxy asked. “Well how do you know if someone likes you, or if you like someone?” Glitch asked. “Um lad to be real with ya I have no idea, ain’t like anyone like me” Foxy explained. “What about Roxy, sometimes she gazes at you while you’re in your room” Glitch said before realizing that probably shouldn’t have been said. “TE WHAT '' Foxy said while shocked and embarrassed. “Sorry, maybe I should go,” Glitch said while leaving. “For the best lad” Foxy said while closing the door and locking it. “Well that only leaves Monty '' Glitch said while knocking on Monty’s door and hearing music in the room. “Hmm, maybe Monty can’t hear me” Glitch said while opening the door to see Monty sitting on the bed next to Chica while singing a song and playing music on his instrument. Monty and Chica heard the door open and turned around. “Um, did I catch you guys at a bad time?” Glitch asked nervously, seeing Monty angry looking back at him. “THATS IT” Monty said while jumping off the bed and running into the door as Glitch closed it and ran away. Monty broke down the door and ran after Glitch before catching up to him and grabbing him by the shirt. “I’ve tried to be nice, I’ve tried to keep my damn patience with you, but you keep making me lose it huh” Monty said while his eyes started to turn red as he was about to laser Glitch. “Now, now calm down, I just wanted to ask you something,” Glitch said while sweating. “Nah, but I’ll ask you HOW PAINFUL THIS IS” Monty said about to laser Glitch in the eyes. “MONTY STOP” Chica said trying to calm him down. “No, this little brat is drying my patience, the door was the last straw” Monty said, not letting go until he was grabbed by Freddy. “THAT'S ENOUGH” Freddy said, grabbing Monty and slamming him to the ground. “Ow, DAMN YOU FAZASS” Monty said while swinging at Freddy and missing. Freddy socked Monty back and that set him off. Monty punched Freddy through a wall until they were outside and started fighting. Guards from all near the area came running to see what was going on. “HEY, KNOCK IT OFF!!!” said one of the guards as they all pointed their spears at them trying to end the fight. “YOU SHUT THE $&@* UP” Monty said while charging his fist and punching Freddy in the face which knocked him out cold and he began leaking oil. Some of the guards ran over holding Monty down so he couldn't do anymore damage to freddy, while others dragged freddy away from the fight. “AY WHAT THE HECK BE HAPPENING OUT HERE” Foxy asked as he ran outside to see what was going on. “MONTY WHAT DID YOU DO” Chica yelled. “It’s all fine everyone, I’m all okay” Roxy said to everyone not realizing what even happened. “Shut it, all of ya, Freddy started it, he threw me on the ground” Monty explained himself. “NO, YOU STARTED IT BY CHASING GLITCH THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT” Chica said while running off. “AY THIS WAS YOUR DOING LAD, WHY WOULD YA DO THAT” Foxy asked upset. “Chica wait” Monty said while Chica ran off. “[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]WHAT ON EARTH IS GOING ON HERE[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]?” came suzie’s voice as she walked into the scene, only this time she didn't have that easy going tone about her but her eyes kept darting around at the scene that was going on. “Why don’t ya ask the brute what happened” Foxy said while pointing at Monty. Suzie abruptly put her hand up “enough, i think i have a pretty good idea what's going on, guards please escort each one to there room, i will ask you individually.” Suzie said before storming off to grab her paint brush to fix the wall. The guards quickly brought the animatronics and glitch back to their rooms though they had to use force with monty. After Suzie finished fixing the wall Suzie stationed guards at each of their doors, not allowing them to leave until she figured out what was going on. Suzie entered Foxy’s room to ask him first. “Mind explaining what happened?” Suzie asked as she took a seat. “Aye all I know is that whatever happened it all probably started with Monty, Freddy is never known to get violent, he always looks for a peaceful solution” Foxy explained. “I see, and do you know why Freddy chose violence?” Suzie asked intently. “On that one lass I’m afraid I be lost on, I ain’t too sure what all transpired, I was just in my room doing what I normally do” Foxy explained. “I see, well then i guess i should go ask Monty since Freddy is currently in the repair.” Suzie said as she walked out of the room making her way to Monty's room which had twice as many guards there. Entering the room Suzie didn't waste time. “Monty, will you please explain what happened?” Suzie asked sternly. “It’s none of your damn business, take you stupid questions elsewhere, my problems will be dealt with by me” Monty said firmly. “I don't care about your problems and it is every right to know what happened.” Suzie said, annoyed as she tapped her foot impatiently. “Listen you entitled little brat, I don’t gotta tell you $&@# everyone’s gonna blame me anyway, now I said this once but since you don’t appear to understand English I’ll tell you one more damn time” Monty said before standing up with his hands behind his back. “My problems that I deal with, not some random kid who wants thanks for saving our @$$es from Springtrap, got it,” Monty said firmly. “Technically i didn't come here to save you, but plans change i guess. All i want to know is what happened with you and freddy, trust me nothing bad will happen to you, unless you don't tell me what happened.'' Suzie said, a little irritated now since this was getting her nowhere. “You think I’m scared of threats kid, I told you I ain’t telling you nothing, ask your damn questions to someone else, you or anyone else here ain’t worth my damn time, now go to hell” Monty said firmly while pointing at the door. “You're lucky I'm in a decent mood,” Suzie grumbled as she walked out the door. Usually she doesn't allow others to push over her like that but she didn't want to upset anyone if took drastic measures. Suzie decided to see glitch next even though she dreaded seeing him face to face now because of venom and his big mouth. Suzie came to glitches room who only had one guard stationed outside it, Suzie realized it was the same guard who first found glitch. “How is he?” Suzie asked the guard before entering the room. “A bit shaken your majesty but other than that he is fine.” the guard said, opening the door for her. “Hey um, glitch, how are you?” Suzie said entering the room nervously. “I’m fine, just a bit shocked from what happened, is all” Glitch replied. “Oh, what happened was my next question for you.” Suzie said, taking a seat. “Well I tried asking Monty a question, but I think I upset him and he started chasing me and was about to laser me, then Freddy grabbed him and they fought, Monty punched Freddy out the window then knocked him out with another punch” Glitch explained feeling bad for everything that happened. “[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]I see,[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]” Suzie said darkly. “Well Freddy will be alright. He is currently getting fixed.” Suzie said hopefully that would relive glitch. “I hope he’s okay, but I just don’t understand why Monty got mad at me, maybe it was because he was with Chica playing music” Glitch explained. “What was the question you were going to ask him?” Suzie asked curiously. “W-well just a question for the bros” Glitch said putting his hand behind his head. “And that is? You can tell me anything, don't worry.” Suzie chimed in hopefully. “It was just like, uh how much can you bench” Glitch said lying scared to tell the truth. “Oh really, and he got mad over that, man you must have intimidated him with your strength of benching.” Suzie said jokingly. “Well thing was I never got to actually ask the question, the second he was me he tried to kill me, I’m starting to think the world is full of psychotic people” Glitch explained. “Oh the world is very full of psychotic people,” Suzie said jokingly knowing a lot of her friends were crazy like that. “Well if that's all I've got something to take care of with [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Monty[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif].” Suzie said, saying his name with deep hatred all the sudden. “Well remember, Monty is still Freddy’s friend” Glitch said. “Oh friends don't hurt other friends like that.'' Suzie said storming out of the room to go bring some literal hell to monty. “Maybe I should ask Venom to take care of Monty while I check on Freddy,” Suzie said to hearself slowing down her pace a bit. “VENOM…HEY VENO-” Suzie said yelling out his name but soon saw Venom teleport right next to her. “Yes, your majesty?” venom said playfully. Suzie quickly whispered into Venom's non-existent ear before dashing off. Venom’s eye lights went out and he nodded, teleporting away to go do something about monty. Suzie headed to the place where they were keeping freddy and when she entered it, she was glad to see freddy in much better condition. “Hey, how are you feeling?” Suzie asked nervously. “Well I can’t feel anything, but my systems seem to be intact, but I need to talk to Monty now” Freddy explained. “I'm sorry but you can't right now.” Suzie said firmly. “You don’t understand, I must, if Monty and I don't talk he might do something drastic, I really need to talk to him,” Freddy explained. “Well I'm afraid you can't. He has been taken to Emrald city.'' Suzie explained as she walked over to freddy. “What is Emrald City, you aren’t going to hurt Monty are you? '' Freddy asked. “what? No, no, just some questions, that's all.” Suzie lied, putting on an innocent smile. Meanwhile venom was torturing Monty bringing lots of pain to him while bashing him against the walls with his magic. Not enough to kill him but just as a “small” punishment especially since he messed with his best friend’s crush. “[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Having fun[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]?” venom said laughing as he bashed Monty on the ceiling. “YOU PSYCHOPATH, NOW I'M DEFINITELY GONNA KILL FAZASS FOR BRINGING US HERE YOU WORKER OF AFTON” Monty yelled. “Listen buddy, think of this as a small punishment for messing with one of the people the empress is risking her life to protect.” venom explained as he made monty come smashing to the floor. “Ow, you idiot, you have no idea why me and that bear even have beef after all he’s done to me, HE IS ALWAYS SEEN AS THE GOOD GUY, HE'S ALMOST AS BAD AS ME” Monty yelled. Venom stopped smashing him around but instead walked over to monty putting his hand on his shoulder in an understanding way. “Really man? Yeesh that seems rough. You want to talk about it?” Venom offered, kindly sticking his hand out for him to take it. “Hell no, it seems that things will always be $&@@% for me, THATS IT IM LEAVING THE GANG, good luck for them finding another “replacement” Monty said angrily. “You know it will be $&@@% for you if you don't tell someone how you feel buddy, especially for chica right now she is probably heart broken unless you speak up and make things right.” Venom pointed out, still offering his hand. “Are you dense, I was about to tell Chica how I felt until that damn idiot walked in the room and ruined EVERYTHING, now Chica probably won’t even talk to me” Monty said, rejecting Venom’s hand offer. “Listen to me,'' Venom said, using his magic, bringing monty to his feet and grabbing his shoulders with both of his hands ``it is never too late for you to be with chica, I am here for you, I WILL HELP YOU. All I ask for you is to start controlling your temper or it will make things worse for chica and your friends. I know you don't want that, I know deep down you are a good person and you just want to make everyone happy when you are around.” venom said firmly looking Monty in the eyes. “Stop right there, I don’t need your help nor do I want your help, second you don’t know a damn thing about me, or the $&@% I’ve been through, how I suffered at his hands, how I tried to cope with my new life only for it to be taken away by someone greater, don’t you DARE tell me what you know about me, just take me back and I’ll find my own damn way home” Monty said darkly and with pain in his voice. “Since when has your way worked out?” venom pointed out sadly. “Maybe all you need is a break, i get it's hard to adapt in a new place, but so is it to everyone else but now it's even harder for them when you lose your temper on others.” venom said desperately trying to make monty understand. “Your right, I do need a break from all your damn advice, you just tortured me and expect me to what thank you, let me ask you something, do you think I wanted to be here, do you think I wanted to have to be stuck with a little whine like brat who with a snap of her fingers orders around her slaves or with a dumb @$$ kid who can’t control his powers for his life, NO, I DIDN’T. I only wanted the good old days back, and it’s obvious that crap ain’t gonna happen again, so stop trying to give me your damn advice take me back so I can find a way to help myself out, I’ve suffered enough from someone other than you” Monty said a little angry and painfully. “Sigh, ok then…but the reason why I was punished was so that you could see the [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]gravity of the situation[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif].” venom said as he was about to teleport monty back. “Oh and one more thing, [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]CALL MY EMPRESS BRAT ONE MORE TIME AND I WILL HAVE YOU SCRAPPED.[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]” venom said with one of his eyes glowing green. “Oh and don't forget, you can come to me if you need any help, I will be glad to do so.” and with that being said venom teleported monty back to his room. “Welp gotta go, I was in the middle of helping Blade with his research.” Venom said leaving Monty alone in his room. “Whatever with his damn sensitive @$$ and that damn bear, I’m leaving” Monty said while breaking down his door and looking for the exit.”hey stop right there!” yelled one of the guards coming towards him, spear in hand. “Move your damn stick you son of a spear, I’m leaving this damn castle” Monty said while still walking. “HOLD HIM DOWN!” yelled one of the guards as the rest went after monty. “GET OFF ME YOU DAMN IDIOTS, LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE” Monty said as he fought back in rage. The guards held down monty and dragged him back to his room tying him up to a chair so he wouldn't escape. “Contact her majesty, we need to figure out what to do with this outsider.” said one of the bigger guards to a smaller guard who saluted and took off running down through the palace to find Suzie. The guard finally found her with another animatronic. “YOUR MAJESTY!! ONE OF THE ANIMATRONICS IS TRYING TO ESCAPE!!” the small guard yelled when he saw her. “That must be monty, come on freddy now is the perfect time for you to talk to him before he causes anymore trouble.” Suzie said as she ran with the other guard to Monty's room. “Let me the hell out of here, I ain’t being your damn prisoner anymore” Monty yelled. “What seems to be the matter?” Suzie asked another guard. “This thing is acting hostile again.” the guard said glaring at monty. “You all started tackling me to the floor, if I wanna leave I have a DAMN RIGHT TO LEAVE” Monty explained. “Uhm absolutely not especially what you tried to do to glitch.” Suzie said, irritated at this guy's obliviousness. “You, your ordered your pet to torture me, and I bet you did to the other kid too huh, I even heard that he took his blood, i ought tell the kid what you ordered to happen so he knows the truth of what you do around here, hold us as prisoners and then torture us, your just another Worker Of Afton'' Monty said. “OH MY HEAVENS FORSAKING MOTHER OF CREATION WORLD REVOLVING GOOM BOT SHAKING FRICK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!?!” Suzie explained, trying not to swear. “I sent Venom to talk to you and get through that iron head of yours about this situation, and if you are asking about that whole blood incident we were only trying to help him so we could figure out why everyone was after his blood.” Suzie explained, upset at monty. “You lie, you sent that hell spawn pet of yours to torture me, just like he tortured that brat you call friend, admit it, we’re your prisoners, why else won’t your guards let me leave '' Monty said firmly. “Untie him.” Suzie ordered the guards. “W-what? Your maje-” just do it, NOW.” Suzie said sternly. The guards untied Monty but still had their weapons pointed at him. Suzie used her paint brush to make a portal back to their world and pointed at it. “[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Get out.[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]” Suzie said darkly with a murderous tone in her voice. “Gladly” Monty said while looking at the guards and growling at them with a look of hatred as he walked through the portal. “You are all dismissed.” Suzie said, waving off the guards. The guards left the room and went back to their original stations. “Sigh, what am I going to tell freddy?” Suzie thought upset as she felt guilt crawl down her spine. Suzie went back to the place where she left freddy but dreading on how freddy might react to the news. “Suzie, SUZIE” Freddy yelled running to see Suzie. “I know you said not to speak with Monty but I must, he is reckless and needs someone to talk to” Freddy explained catching up with Suzie. “Your friend…wanted to leave…so I brought him back to his universe.” Suzie said, looking down at her feet. “Y-you did w-what” Freddy said, completely surprised. “I-i..he is no longer my responsibility. He wanted to leave so I let him. That is that.” Suzie said walking away, not able to meet Freddy's gaze. “I-I understand superstar, I just hope he will be okay on his own, and I still hope that Bonnie is at least okay too” Freddy said sadly, walking the other direction. “I-i am going to go see glitch and tell him what happened, he deserves to know.” Suzie said making a portal straight into glitches room without even bothering entering through the door. Glitch was looking at the knife again when he saw the portal and quickly hid it before anyone saw it. “Holy crap, ya scared me there, sorry I was just uh looking at the beautiful day outside sorry did you want something” Glitch asked. “I just came to tell you that Monty left back to his universe, so now you don't have to worry about him hurting you.” Suzie said, adjusting her goggles a little. “Oh, well good, I always tried to be nice to him and he always got mad at me for no reason” Glitch said. “Heh, well I'm glad you're happy.” Suzie said, smirking a little. “Well I’m sure wherever he is anyway he will probably thrive by himself since that’s what he seems to have wanted” Glitch stated. “Yeah well now that he is out of my problems, how about we start your training tomorrow?” Suzie offered to walk over to glitches bed and sitting on it. “Oh actually I-” Glitch was about to say but then remembered what the knife said on it. “I will see, i'll just need to get rest tonight for tomorrow” Glitch said getting ready for bed as he got into his pj’s. Suzie just so happened to still be in the room, and seeing this she quickly put her hands over her face (just peeking a little). “Sorry just had to change and get ready for sleep, I will train with you tomorrow” Glitch said with a smile on his face. “Y-yeah of course, you want to use my bed again tonight?” Suzie offered hoping he would accept again. Glitch wanted to but knew this time he would perhaps be teleported again by the knife in real life. “Um, actually I’ll use this bed tonight, I just like it,” Glitch said nervously, sweating. Suzie’s heart practically shattered inside her knowing that he probably didn't accept because of what venom said. “Y-y-yeah i understand.” Suzie said, putting on a fake smile. “Y-yeah, well I gotta get rest for the morning, good night” Glitch said sitting even more knowing it was all a lie about him even sleeping. “Ok then…goodnight.” Suzie said making a portal which she made straight to her room. She went straight over to her bed stuffing a pillow in her face. “I-im s-s-such a hopeless p-person.” Suzie whined at herself trying not to give in to her tears. “Why did I ever tell venom in the first place?” Suzie thought to herself as she buried herself in the sheets. “Dang, this is harder than I thought, lying, but for everyone’s safety I have no choice” Glitch said while holding the knife and falling asleep with it. He woke up on the cold snow in front of the two tents he saw but both tents were open. “Where are they?” Glitch asked himself. “Welcome back”, the archer said behind him. “It’s time for your training,'' the archer said, stepping aside to reveal the other figure who had two scimitars in his hands. He wore a face mask over his mouth and nose and had a red glitch skin tone. He walked toward Glitch. “Lesson one” the figure said before the scene changed to Monty. “Damn brat, the hell does that kid know anyway, and that stupid pet and Fazass, I don’t need anyone of them, I’ll do it all myself and live independently” Monty said walking through the dark night streets when he looked and saw a figure standing there from a far distance, it looked like it was floating. “The hell is that,” Monty said to himself before turning around to go the other way and to get out of the rain. The figure started floating towards him and grabbed him and threw him on the ground. “Hello there Monty” said a figure in purple that had a dark voice that Monty recognized. “W-what, no, you were shut down and had to leave my body, LEAVE ME ALONE YOU PIECE OF SH-“ Monty said before the figure ripped through Monty and talked back. “QUIET, you really are an annoying soul aren’t you” Springtrap said while grabbing Monty’s soul and ripping it out of him. “However it seems you will have your uses, I wonder what lord Shredder will do to your soul Monty” Springtrap said while holding the soul of Monty. “P-please, let me go, I don’t want to suffer anymore” Monty pleaded. “My dear boy, your suffering has only just begun, but you will learn to obey us soon,” Springtrap said before teleporting away with Monty’s soul. Bonnie then came out from hiding in the corner. “I have to find Freddy before they get stronger” Bonnie said while leaving his old broken body and entering Monty’s body and trying to find a way to get back to where Monty was.[/font]

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A Glitch in the multi dimensions chapter 7 (2024)


What is the difference between the 8th and 9th dimension? ›

In the eighth dimension, we reach the plane of all possible histories and futures for each universe, branching out into infinity. In the ninth dimension, all universal laws of physics and the conditions in each universe become apparent.

What is the first dimension? ›

First dimension: As previously stated, the first dimension is the one that provides its length (aka. the x-axis). A straight line, which simply exists in terms of length and has no other discernible properties, is an excellent description of a one-dimensional entity.

How many dimensions are there in the universe? ›

The world as we know it has 3 DIMENSIONS of space length,width,and depth and one dimension of time. but there is the mind-bending possibility that many more dimensions exist out there. According to the string theory one of the leading physics model of last half century ,the universe operates with 10 dimensions.

How to go in another dimension? ›

There is currently no conceivable way to get to these if they exist, and they may only be possible, not actual. To travel between realities, they need to be in proximity. To be in proximity and not interact, they need to be incompatible. If it is a compatible universe you could travel to, it is already here.

Is there a 10th dimension? ›

Physicists work under the assumption that there are at least 10 dimensions, but the majority of us will never "see" them. Because we only know life in 3D, our brains don't understand how to look for anything more.

What is the 11th dimension like? ›

The 11th dimension is a characteristic of space-time that has been proposed as a possible answer to questions that arise in superstring theory. The theory of superstrings involves the existence of nine dimensions of space and one dimension of time for a total of 10 dimensions.

Does the 0th dimension exist? ›

However, at this moment, only the zero and three dimensions exist in the Universe, and scientist has yet to discover and confirm the existence of higher-dimensional space.

What is the 2th dimension? ›

Two-dimensional things are flat — they can be measured in length and width, but they have no depth. Geometrical shapes like squares, circles, and polygons are all two-dimensional. A sheet of paper may seem to be two-dimensional, but because it does have a measurable (if tiny) depth, it's actually three-dimensional.

Is the 5th dimension real? ›

Mathematical approaches were developed in the early 20th century that viewed the fifth dimension as a theoretical construct. These theories make reference to Hilbert space, a concept that postulates an infinite number of mathematical dimensions to allow for a limitless number of quantum states.

What dimension is God in? ›

Whether God exists in the fourth, twelfth or any other dimension, as a higher dimensional being, God can be anywhere at any time, and can choose whether or not to let us see an image of God.

What dimension are we living in? ›

We live in a world of three dimensions.

We move through space , either left or right, forward or backward, up or down. Everything around us, from the houses we live in to the objects we use in everyday life, has three dimensions: height, length, and width.

Can you go to a parallel universe? ›

Currently, there's no hard evidence that parallel universes are real. Until a conclusive study determines that alternate realities exist and that there's a multiverse, we can consider parallel universes the stuff of sci-fi. Still, imagining parallel universes can offer you a fun escape and give you a creative outlet.

Do we exist in multiple dimensions? ›

In everyday life, we inhabit a space of three dimensions – a vast 'cupboard' with height, width and depth, well known for centuries. Less obviously, we can consider time as an additional, fourth dimension, as Einstein famously revealed.

Is the multiverse real? ›

The idea of a multiverse is the subject of much science fiction—but it's also a real possibility (or rather a set of many possibilities) that some scientists take seriously and investigate. Multiversal concepts pop up in several branches of modern physics.

How do I open a portal to another dimension? ›

One of the most common ways to access a portal is through the use of a wormhole, which is a hypothetical shortcut through space-time that connects two distant points in the universe. Wormholes are predicted by the general theory of relativity, but they have not been observed or proven to exist.

What is the 9 dimension? ›

A 9-Dimensional Space is a space in which each point requires an ennuplet of numbers to describe its position. This makes it a hyperrealm. A verse with nine dimensions is called an ennealmverse.

What is the 8th dimension in simple terms? ›

In physics the 8th dimension contains all other dimensions, therefore including everything. In medieval numerology 8 signifies eternity or infinity, which leads to the next life. The Buddhists speak of the eightfold path to enlightenment. In Christian numerology 888 represents Christ or Christ the redeemer.

What dimensional world do we live in? ›

We live in a world of three dimensions.

We move through space , either left or right, forward or backward, up or down. Everything around us, from the houses we live in to the objects we use in everyday life, has three dimensions: height, length, and width.

How many dimensions can humans see? ›

We are 3D creatures, living in a 3D world but our eyes can show us only two dimensions. The depth that we all think we can see is merely a trick that our brains have learned; a byproduct of evolution putting our eyes on the front of our faces. To prove this, close one eye and try to play tennis.

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Name: Dong Thiel

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Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.